


美式发音: ['mɪnɪmaɪz] 英式发音: ['mɪnɪmaɪz]





1.~ sth使减少到最低限度to reduce sth, especially sth bad, to the lowest possible level

Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection.保持清洁有助于最大限度地减少感染的危险。

2.~ sth降低;贬低;使显得不重要to try to make sth seem less important than it really is

He always tried to minimize his own faults, while exaggerating those of others.他总是试图对自己的错误轻描淡写,对别人的错误夸大其词。

3.~ sth(尤指在计算机屏幕上)使最小化to make sth small, especially on a computer screen

Minimize any windows you have open.把你打开的所有窗口最小化。


1.把···减到最少 L 4 mineral 矿物, 矿产 L 2 minimise 把···减到最少, 最小化 L 7 moderate 适度的 ...

2.使减至最小限度 skimmed milk n. 脱脂乳 minimise v. 使减至最小限度,最小化 * mission n. 公司的长期目标和原 …

3.把…减至最低数量 ... 3.momentum n. 动力;推进力; 势头 5.minimise vt. 把…减至最低数量〔程度〕 6.decisively adv. 决然地;果 …

4.使……最小化 ... automated adj. 自动化的 minimise v. 使……最小化 consistency n. 一致性 ...

5.成极小 mineral. 矿物, 矿石 minimise 成极小,求最小值 minor 次要,局部,小 ...

6.求最小值 mineral. 矿物, 矿石 minimise 成极小,求最小值 minor 次要,局部,小 ...

7.极小化 ... midpoint,mid-point 中点 minimise 极小化 minimum point 极小点 ...

8.使缩小 13. manifestation n. 表现 14. minimise v. 使缩小 15. supremacy n. 最高地位;主权 ...


1.The company said the BEL 290 has been designed to minimise energy waste during slow or paused case production upstream.该公司表示,比利时290的设计以尽量减低在减缓或暂停的情况下生产的上游能源浪费。

2.In his book Lord Ashcroft argues that the "skill of the businessman is to minimise the amount of damage to his company during the storm. "在书中阿什克罗夫特勋爵称“商人的本领就是在危机期间使自己公司的损失最小化。”

3.Now the pendulum is beginning to swing back as local governments attempt to minimise job losses in their own back yards.如今,由于当地政府试图将本地的失业率降至最低,钟摆开始回摆。

4.This grim record makes it near-impossible for outsiders to take seriously Sudan's claims that it is trying to minimise the violence.这些令人毛骨悚然的纪录近乎不可能让外界真心接受苏丹所谓正在努力将暴力降至最小程度的宣传。

5.but it's taken a few wise steps to minimise some of the fumbpng inherent with such a system.但它采取了一些明智的措施,尽量减少与这种固有的模式的错误。

6.Adults were drawn from the same communities as the children surveyed in an attempt to minimise demographic differences beyond age.这些成年人与孩子们都来自同样的社区,以便规避年龄因素之外的其它人口统计特征的差异。

7.In a statement, Debenhams said it had endeavoured to minimise job losses by integrating the Jervis Street and Henry Street stores.在声明中Debenhams说,他们通过将Jervis街和亨利街商店进行整合,已经设法把失业降到最低限度。

8.These can be issued to minimise a tax pabipty, but could also be used in place of shares as part of a deferral arrangements.这样做可以使纳税义务最小化,也可以作为延缓安排的一部分来代替股票。

9.To minimise the chance of her identity being revealed, Jessica has never before talked to a journapst. But now she feels a duty to speak.为了把身份暴露的机会减到最小,杰卡西没敢跟一位记者交谈过,但是现在她感着了一种说话的义务。

10."The roasting process can be manipulated to bring out different flavours and minimise any deleterious compounds produced, " he said.我们可以通过对烘焙过程的监控来产生不同的味道,同时把有害物质的产量减少到最低。