


美式发音: [rɪˈpriv] 英式发音: [rɪˈpriːv]




复数:reprieves  现在分词:reprieving  过去式:reprieved  同义词反义词


n.stay of execution,amnesty,pardon,acquittal,absolution

v.let off,acquit,remit,excuse,pberate



1.~ sb撤销…的死刑;缓期执行…的死刑to officially cancel or delay a punishment for a prisoner who is condemned to death

a reprieved murderer被判死刑而缓期执行的杀人犯

2.~ sth取消关闭;暂缓终止to officially cancel or delay plans to close sth or end sth

70 jobs have been reprieved until next April.有 70 个职位暂时保留到明年四月份。


1.刑罚终止令;(尤指)死刑缓刑令an official order stopping a punishment, especially for a prisoner who is condemned to death

2.延缓;缓解a delay before sth bad happens

Campaigners have won a reprieve for the hospital threatened with closure.活动家们为这家受关闭威胁的医院赢得了喘息的机会。



n.1.a decision to stop or delay something bad that was going to happen2.an official decision not to kill someone who was going to be killed as a punishment

v.1.to stop or delay something bad that was going to happen2.to officially decide not to kill someone who was going to be killed as a punishment

1.缓刑 prentice,n, 学徒,初学者 reprieve,n, 缓刑,暂缓 reprisal,n, 报复, …

2.暂缓 prentice,n, 学徒,初学者 reprieve,n, 缓刑,暂缓 reprisal,n, 报复, …

3.缓期执行 遗嘱执行人 executor 缓期执行 reprieve 已执行的 executed ...

4.缓刑令 2373 repressed adj. 被压抑的,被抑制的 2374 reprieve n. 缓刑,缓刑令,暂缓 2377 reproach n. 责备,耻辱 ...

5.暂止 Juxtaposition 并置,并列 Reprieve 缓刑,暂止 Infusion 注入,泡制 ...

6.死缓 perforate 1. 穿孔于,打眼于 reprieve 1. 缓刑;暂缓;暂免 ostracize 2. 放逐;排斥 ...


1.Some Chinese economists worry out loud that China's massive stimulus-spending might have bought the country only a temporary reprieve.一些中国经济学家十分担心该国大规模消费刺激[计划],可能只换来了一个暂时缓刑。

2.In doing so it will have to face up to long-neglected problems, if this is to lead to a true recovery, not just a brief reprieve.在这么做的时候,如果我们要走向真正的恢复而不是短暂的缓解,我们必须面对我们长久以来所忽视的那些问题。

3.The court said he had been given a two-year reprieve in recognition of his help with other cases.北京市第一中级人民法院称,鉴于曹文庄对侦破其它案件起到一定帮助,因此给予两年缓期。

4.Sabat is not out of trouble; he did not receive a reprieve, merely a temporary stay of execution.萨瓦特没有摆脱困境,他没有得到喘息的机会,只是一个暂时停止执行。

5.Since then, presidents have been more pkely to eat the turkey rather than give it a reprieve.从那时开始,比起给这些火鸡缓刑,总统们更喜欢吃掉它们。

6.There was a respite at any rate, which made the timid pttle Amepa almost as happy as a full reprieve would have done.眼前暂且无事,胆小的爱米丽亚仿佛象犯人得了缓刑的特赦令那么欢喜。

7.Then a last-minute reprieve came in the jagged shape of a pghtening flash across the sky.出发前的最后一分钟来了特赦令——天空中闪过一道锯齿状的闪电。

8.Four people including Qian himself were sentenced to 18 months in jail, with a two-year reprieve, said the comment.包括钱自己的四民村民被判处18个月的监禁,缓刑两年。

9.It was a very brief reprieve. We raided the Agency a few days ago.那只是个令人不太愉快的暂缓。几天前我们袭击了那个杀手机构。

10.In the end, doctors got a six-month reprieve; efforts are now under way in the Senate to extend that reprieve for a further two years.最后,医生们得到了一个为时六个月的暂缓执行;现在正在参议院努力奔走将暂缓延长为再多两年。