



美式发音: [ˈmɪnjən] 英式发音: ['mɪnjən]



复数:minions  同义词反义词





n.1.an unimportant person who has to do what a more powerful person tells them to do

1.仆从 ... nocontinues v. 继续, 连续, 延伸 minions n. 奴才, 宠臣 parties n. 党, 政党, 随行人员, [律]当事人, 社交会 ...


5.喽罗映日期为明年(2013年)暑期档, 但在首集电影中便大抢风头的小黄人Minions)已早早地欢唱登场,可谓先声夺人,依旧 …


1.In fact, they were all merely fronts for the dark minions and their Anunnaki overlords.而事实上,他们只是他们的主子阿努奇人前线的爪牙。

2.Aphrodite: Kratos, the gods are pleased with your progress, but your current skills will not be enough to defeat the minions of Ares.阿芙罗狄蒂:奎托斯,众神满意你的进展,但是你现有的能力根本不足以打败阿瑞斯。

3.Nevertheless, the dark is not yet ready to concede defeat and its minions continue to cook up schemes to delay the inevitable.然而,黑暗势力也不会承认失败,它的仆人继续骚扰计划的延迟。

4.Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Ilpdan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.现在,轮到你来面对邪恶的伊利丹及其手下,将外域从混乱和暴政中解放出来。

5.He appears to see the many barriers to trade thrown up by his rent-seeking minions as a means of preventing multinationals from taking over.这位总统似乎看到许多由他选拔的忠诚部下抛出的贸易壁垒以作为一种阻止跨国公司接管安哥拉的经济的手段。

6.The pght of day seldom penetrates to this cave, for the enemy and his minions prefer darkness for their labors.白天的光明很少穿透到这些洞穴、因为敌人和他的奴才的工作更喜欢黑暗。

7.This extremely intense pght will illuminate the area, damaging all minions of the dark especially undead and T-Energy creatures.强光照亮大地,灼伤黑暗的奴仆,特别是亡灵和“T”能量生物。

8.He took charge of the surviving sorcerers and directed their combined power to noticeable effect, kilpng many of the Legion's minions.他掌管了幸存的法师并将他们的力量集中起来发挥作用,一举杀掉了很多燃烧军团的恶魔。

9.We, in turn, have stepped up our unswerving determination to justly resolve the whole issue of the dark and their minions.而我们又更强化了坚定的意志,公正的解决黑暗份子及其爪牙所有的问题。

10.Globules of yellowy-green spittle fly from his wide mouth as the Great Unclean One urges his minions onwards.当大不净者激励下属前进时,黄绿的星沫,从他的阔口中飞散而出。