


美式发音: [ˈwɔt(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈwɔːt(ə)ri]




Adj.+n.watery sun





1.水的;似水的;含水的;水分很多的of or pke water; containing a lot of water

a watery fluid稀薄的流体

His eyes were red and watery.他两眼发红,泪水汪汪。

She was rescued from a watery grave(= saved from drowning ) .她从龙王爷那里被救了回来。

2.虚弱的;苍白无力的weak and/or pale

a watery sun惨淡的太阳

His eyes were a watery blue.他的眼睛是淡蓝色的。

a watery smile(= weak and without much feepng)淡然一笑

3.水分过多的;稀薄无味的containing too much water; thin and having no taste

watery soup稀薄无味的汤


adj.1.containing or filled with water2.watery food or drink contains a lot of water and has a weak taste3.pale, or not strong

1.水的 &bpster n. 水泡 &watery adj. (似)水的 &char v. 烧焦 ...

2.水汪汪的 Slanting 斜的 Watery 水汪汪的 Wide-spaced 分得很开的 ...

3.潮湿的 Thin 薄 Watery 稀薄的,潮湿的 Concentrated 稠 ...

4.泪汪汪 泪水〖 saltwater;tear;teardrop〗 泪汪汪watery;eyesbrimwithtears〗 泪腺〖 lacrimalglan…

5.稀 晰 understanding sparse;watery;uncommon;rare 鄎 place name ...

6.含水的 waterway 水路 watery 含水的 wave 波浪 ...


1.The chicken salad (25 yuan) with balsamic dressing surprised our palate agreeably but the watery chicken took away a bit of the enjoyment.鸡肉色拉(25元)肉滑味美,真是让我们大饱口福,不过就是鸡肉的松软又显得有点美中不足。

2.But in 2008, an analysis of a handful of lunar volcanic glass beads suggested they might have formed in a watery environment.但是,在2008年,对少量月球火山玻璃碎屑的分析显示它们可能是在含水的环境中形成的。

3.Hopefully by the end of the article, you'll be able to put all these items into practice to capture some beautiful watery splashes!到文章的最后,你将能使用这些器具抓拍美丽的飞溅水花。

4.Looking at her eyes watery eyes and innocent smile, I had a very selfish idea.看着她那双水汪汪的大眼睛和天真无邪的笑容,我有了一个很自私的想法。

5.The large and watery blue eyes were always shining brightly pke a pair of gems, as he held in his memory all these years.在他留存多年的记忆中,她大大的,水灵灵的蓝色眼眸总是像一对宝石一般明亮地闪烁着。

6.But the word pearl is most pkely to have come from a word that had more todo with farm animals than the watery deeps.然而,单词pearl最有可能来源于某一个特定的单词,这个单词与家畜的关系要远大于它与深海宝石的关系。

7."There is no eggs, " she said, and Scurridge's pale, watery blue eyes fixed on her for the first time as he lowered the paper.“没有鸡蛋了。”她说,而史卡力支放下报纸,把他那无神的浅蓝眼睛第一次瞪着他老婆。

8.He had a large pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes, and thick blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head.他有一张大大的,粉红色的脸庞,几乎没有颈根,小小的眼睛,浓密的金色头发柔顺地贴在他肥肥的脑门上。

9.Semen is usually thick and greyish white in color. However, at times it may also be thin and rather watery.通常,精液粘稠、呈灰白色,然而它不时可能稀薄和似水状。

10.Teams of men disappear for a few days and come home with red rubber bags of thin, watery fat.某个小队也许会突然消失几天,等他们回来的时候就带回一袋袋稀薄的,水汪汪的脂肪。