


美式发音: 英式发音: [mɪə]






n.1.a peasant commune in tsarist Russia2.a space station launched by the former Soviet Union in 1986, designed to be permanently crewed

1.米尔 Data Format: 为数据格式。 Mir镜像。 Neg: 反像。 ...

8.和平号空间站和平号空间站Mir)(前苏联/俄罗斯,1986年-2000年,28名乘员,全部长期停留)和平号是前苏联设计建造的空间站,为上 …


1.It cost a lot of money to send astronauts and supppes there. It was also not easy to keep Mir in good shape.运送太空人和补给品到那里所费不赀,而且和平号太空站的维护也不容易。

2.The main opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi has said the confessions were the product of torture.主要的反对派候选人穆萨维称,招供是严刑逼供的结果。

3.President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces a strong challenge from his main rival, the reformist Mir Hosein Mousavi.总统MahmoudAhmadinejad面对的强劲挑战来自于他的主要对手——改革派MirHoseinMousavi。

4.One of the remaining reformist candidates, Mir Hosein Mousavi, is seen as capable of attracting conservatives as well as pberals.剩下的其中一名改革派候选人米尔•侯赛因•穆萨维〔MirHoseinMousavi〕被认作是有能力同时吸引保守以及自由的人士的选票。

5.Reformist presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi said he won, and claimed the election was fraudulent.改革派总统候选人穆萨维说,是他取得了胜利,并且声称这次选举有舞弊行为。

6.One of the two major opposition leaders, Mir Hussein Moussavi, a former presidential candidate, was reported missing on Thursday.两位反对派领导人之一、前总统候选人MirHusseinMoussavi据报道于周四失踪。

7.Mir . Jones and his wife are looking at them .和他的妻子正看着这些船。

8.Mir has since bulked up to about 265 pounds, erasing any size differences between the two fighters.而在那之后,Mir开始增重至如今的265磅,现在两人之间已经不存在体型上的差别。

9.Zahra Rahnavard, the strong-willed wife of Mir Hussein Moussavi, the opposition leader, troubled as she inspired.反对派领袖米尔侯赛因穆萨维的妻子扎赫拉·拉赫纳瓦德意志坚定,却在鼓舞别人的时候困惑了。

10.Russia's 135-ton Mir space station slammed through the atmosphere in 2001, but it was a controlled dive into the Pacific.俄罗斯135吨“和平号”空间站2001年无预期地冲回大气层,但它在控制器引导下进入太平洋。