




1.美里 Melaka 马六甲 Miri 米里 Muar 麻坡 ...

3.缺血再灌注损伤 MERAK,Indonesia 印尼,孔雀港 MIRI,Malaysia 马来西亚,米里 MUARA,Brunei 汶莱,麻拉 ...

6.美里省美里省 (Miri) 加帛省 (Kapit) 林梦省 (Limbang) 民都鲁省 (Bintulu)刘善邦 仁答 班丁 沙立夫·马沙荷 黄乃裳 王友海 田考 涂耐冰 刘直

7.米里市当我们从沙捞越的米里市Miri)乘坐大巴抵达文莱首都斯里巴加湾市(Bandar Seri Begawan)时,第一时间去了解从文莱到 …

8.米莉要不是年龄最小的女队员米莉Miri)唤醒了高野沉睡的记忆,故事也就不用再继续下去了。而之后的一段时间,便是高野与自 …


1.If there is really such a matter, did the state government appoint any experts to investigate the old shops in Miri ?如果真有那麽一回事,州政府有没有委派任何专家对美里市区旧店屋进行鑑定?

2.The first chapter demonstrates Miri's growth in terms of self-awareness.第一章论述米里在自我意识方面的成长。

3.Objective: To investigate the effects of extracts from Hongjingtian on cytokines after myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury ( MIRI ).目的:研究红景天提取物对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤后血清细胞因子水平的影响。

4.It is said that what in prosecution shade group is Beijing Miri Mitter the movie and television culture development Limited company.据称,起诉中影集团的是北京米里米特影视文化发展有限公司。

5.reduce reperfusion after MDA in mitigation and protection MIRI-induced myocardial injury.降低再灌后MDA的含量减轻和保护MIRI所致的心肌损伤。

6.Recently, it announced two more connections to Miri (Sarawak) and Tawau (Sabah), which it will operate from September.近日,亚航宣布增加两条航线到米尔(沙捞越)和斗湖(沙巴),并计划九月份投入运营。

7.Objictive To explore the molecular mechanism of protection of zinc against myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury (MIRI).目的研究锌对家兔心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。

8.Her essays appear every Friday in "Drilpng Platform" of Miri Daily, and in other columns pke "Chitchat" and "Long and Short" .每周五在美里日报「钻油台」专栏执笔,另有专栏「闲话」与「长短说」。

9.Conclusions BHD and divided-formulae can improve the contents of serum NO and lessen MIRI.结论补阳还五汤及拆方可增加血清NO的含量,减轻MIRI。

10.All these studies prove that injection Dengzhanxixin can prevent MIRI and has myocardial protective effects.提示了灯盏细辛注射液能对抗MIRI,有良好的心肌保护作用。