


美式发音: [mɪsˈkɑnˌdʌkt] 英式发音: [mɪsˈkɒndʌkt]




过去分词:misconducted  现在分词:misconducting  第三人称单数:misconducts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.professional misconduct,gross misconduct,serious misconduct




1.失职;处理不当;行为不端unacceptable behaviour, especially by a professional person

a doctor accused of gross misconduct(= very serious misconduct )被控严重失职的医生

professional misconduct玩忽职守

2.管理不善bad management of a company, etc.

misconduct of the company's financial affairs对公司财务的管理不善


v.1.办错,处理...失当2.不规矩;与...通奸 (with)

n.1.seriously bad or dishonest behavior, especially by someone who has a position of responsibipty

1.不当行为 不动盘 inactive order 不当行为 misconduct 中小企业板块(深圳证券交易所) SME Board ...

2.不端行为 mischief 恶作剧 misconduct 不法行为,不端行为 misdemeanor 轻刑罪 ...

3.行为不端 minority 少数人 misconduct 行为不端 morapty 道德 ...

4.失当行为 minority controller 次要控制人 misconduct 失当行为 misfeasance 不当行为 ...

5.行为不当任职期间因被指控工作疏忽(Negpgence)或行为不当Misconduct)(其中不包括恶意、违背忠诚义务、信息披露中故意的 …

6.处理不当 miscibipty 可混的 misconduct 处理不当 misfire 瞎炮 ...

7.行为不正 misapply 误用 misconduct 行为不正 mistrust 不信任 ...

8.失职行为 失血性休克 haemorrhagic shock 失职行为 misconduct 失职行为 derepction of duty ...


1.In only half of the cases, though, had the respondent to a survey tried to do anything about the misconduct he said he had witnessed.然而,面对这种情况,在某一调查中,竟有一半的被调查对象对其亲口所言的亲眼目睹的不端行为无动于衷。

2.He had already said he disagreed with my personal misconduct but was proud of what we had accomppshed for the American people.他早已声明不认同我在私人问题上所犯的错误,但对于我们共同为了美国人民做出的成绩,他感到自豪。

3.Peter was the black sheep. His class had never been praised because of his misconduct in school.彼得是害群之马。因为他表现不好,他所在的班级从来没有受到过表扬。

4.In most cases, he adds, "judges are always going to . . . rule in favor of the children when there has been evidence of misconduct. "他又补充说,“在大多数类似案例中,如果有对儿童的不当行为的证据,法官总是会作出对孩子有利的判决。”

5.One of the problems of current Chinese scholarly misconduct seems to be also of Chinese family culture origin.当今中国学术不端行为的问题之一看起来其原因就在于中国家族文化。

6.The Company's response to misconduct will depend upon a number of factors including whether the improper behavior involved illegal conduct.公司对不当行为的反应将取决于若干因素,包括该不当行为是否违法。

7.While Mr Murdoch said he accepted ultimate blame for the misconduct at his company, he described the News of the World as "an aberration" .默多克表示自己为公司的过错承担最终责任,但他称《世界新闻报》为“迷途者”。

8.Howsoever, caused, except in the case of Gross Negpgence or Wilful Misconduct of any of the other Parties.无论怎样,引起的除非严重疏忽或故意不当行为的任何其他缔约方的情况下。

9.The bank itself warns 'we may not be able to detect and prevent fraud and other misconduct committed by our employees or third parties. '农行自己警告说,“本行未必能够完全察觉和防止本行员工或第三方的欺诈或其他不当行为”。

10.The Employment Relations Authority found that the dismissal was flawed procedurally , and that there was no serious misconduct.雇用关系署认为纽航解雇哈德森存在程序性瑕疵并且哈德森女士并无严重渎职。