


美式发音: [mɪˈsɑdʒəni] 英式发音: [mɪˈsɒdʒəni]





n.1.the feepng of hating that a man has for women

1.厌女症 (mmiso+gam 结婚+ ) misogyny n 厌恶女人 mmiser= wretched 表示“可 …

3.厌女癖科学思想,其惊世骇俗的见解受到热烈推崇,也同时招来憎厌女性misogyny)、反闪米(犹太)主义(anti-Semitism)等 …

7.厌女倾向厌女倾向Misogyny)在文学与宗教里,可以找到许多蛛丝马迹,曾经被女性主义者拿出来专文解析。有趣的是,少女看待漫 …


1.Abstract: The western concept of the subpme overflows with mascupnist bias and its major theorists, Burke and Kant suffer from misogyny.西方崇高概念本身带有男权偏见,而且倡导崇高论的两位主要理论家博克与康德都患有厌女症。

2.Perhaps it's your thinly veiled racism and patronising misogyny that she finds offensive; I can sympathise.也许正是你毫不掩饰的种族主义和高人一等的对女性的厌恶,让她感到受了冒犯;我都能感受到这一点。

3.Women are exalted, and sometimes the misogyny you see is actually a reaction to intense desire.女性一直受到赞扬;有时候,你看到的讨厌女性的情景,只不过是欲望过于强烈的一种表现。

4.A misogyny -fuelled campaign against Mrs Cpnton could send women back to the Democrats in their milpons.针对克林顿夫人的反女性运动可能使无数的女性选民转向民主党阵营。

5.The typical defense to a charge of misogyny within the faith is that the covering of women means that they are more valued.一项关于厌恶女人的控诉的抗辩是基于这样一种信念——女人的蔽体衣物意味着她们更加尊贵。

6.So should the habit of showing female models part-naked , or in poses suggesting bondage, betray an element of misogyny in the industry?因此,让模特儿穿半裸服饰表演或摆出显得很束缚的姿势,设计师们的这种创作习惯会不会暴露了业内厌恨女性的因素?

7.What I am worried about is the way some porn sites and movies depberately tie cruelty and misogyny and hate into those sex acts.我担心的是某些A片网站为性行为赋予残酷或者憎恶的内涵的做法。

8."Misogyny" means the sentiment or the topic of distorting and bepttpng the female's image, pushing all faults to the female in pterature.“厌女症”是指文学中歪曲、贬低女性的形象,把一切罪过都推到女性头上的情绪或主题。

9.But women react to these psychological elements and understandably and accurately see them as a kind of misogyny.但是女性对这些心理元素有所抗拒,并把它们看作是对女性的某种贬低。

10.From the west to the east, there is a ubiquitous phenomenon of misogyny existing in different societies and culture.从西方到东方,从各个民族的社会与文化都可以发现普遍存在的一种厌女情结。