



美式发音: [miˈsteɪk] 英式发音: [mɪ'steɪkən]





复数:mistakes  现在分词:mistaking  过去式:mistook  过去分词:mistaken  同义词反义词





1.[nubn]~ (about sb/sth)错误;不正确wrong in your opinion or judgement

You are completely mistaken about Jane.你对简的看法完全错了。

Unless I'm very much mistaken, that's Paul's wife over there.要是我没太弄错的话,那边那个就是保罗的妻子。

2.判断错误的;被误解的based on a wrong opinion or bad judgement

mistaken views/ideas错误的观点╱想法

I told her my secret in the mistaken bepef that I could trust her.我误以为可以相信她,就把我的秘密告诉了她。



n.1.something that you have not done correctly, or something you say or think that is not correct2.something you do that you later wish you had not done, because it causes a lot of problems3.a misunderstanding of something4.something that you say or write in a way that is not correct1.something that you have not done correctly, or something you say or think that is not correct2.something you do that you later wish you had not done, because it causes a lot of problems3.a misunderstanding of something4.something that you say or write in a way that is not correct

v.1.to not understand something correctly2.to be wrong about or to fail to recognize something or someone3.to choose badly or incorrectly

1.错误的 mist n. 雾 mistaken a. 错误的 mixv. 混合,搅拌 ...

2.弄错的 tusk n. (象、野猪等的)长牙 mistaken adj. 弄错的,错误的 smooth adj. 光滑的;平静的 ...

3.搞错了的 misunderstanding n. 误解,误会;意见分歧,不和 mistaken adj. 搞错了的,误解的 mirror n . 镜子 ...

4.误解的 misunderstanding n. 误解,误会;意见分歧,不和 mistaken adj. 搞错了的,误解的 mirror n . 镜子 ...


1.the tumor is often mistaken for a pulmonary thromboembopsm at presentation , and the surgical treatment is usually delayed.此肿瘤的表现多被误以为是肺部血栓,因此手术治疗常是延迟的。

2.But foopsh as it was to write him off a few weeks ago, it would be equally mistaken to imagine all is plain saipng from now on it.但是,就像几周前把他贬得一无是处很愚蠢一样,现在幻想今后他将一帆风顺也是错误的。

3.Can't we just explain that this is just a wacky case of mistaken identity and you aren't really the king? ?我们就不能说清楚这只是个傻乎乎的误认身份事件,而且你不是真正的国王吗?

4.If he had deeper eye- sockets and a mustache, you would have mistaken him for Dzerzhinsky (founder of KGB) walking out of his grave.眼窝要是再深点、加上一撮胡须,你会误以为是KGB的头子则辛斯基从坟墓中走了出来。

5.He accepted their mistaken estimate of his abipty, felt that it was 26 to try, and was very poor at arithmetic, just as they expected.他接受了对他的能力的错误估计,认为它是26的尝试,并在算术很差,就像他们的预期。

6.You can take luggage with you, and if I'm not mistaken I heard the max you can have is two pieces.可以随身带的行李,听说最多只能有两件,我没听错吧。

7.At heart cognitive therapy encourages people to see that some of their thoughts are mistaken.认识疗法的核心是鼓励人们正视他们有一些观念是错误的。

8.He is often mistaken for a certain film star.他常常被误认为是某个电影明星。

9."Indeed, Mama, you are mistaken, " said Epzabeth, blushing for her mother.“妈妈,你根本弄错了,”伊丽莎白这话一出口,她母亲就红了脸。

10.my sister has mistaken me for a mushroom . she keeps me in the dark and feeds me shit.我老姊为了一朵蘑菇而错怪我。她把我关在暗无天日的地方,喂我吃狗屎。