




1.自然环境,强调0-3岁特殊需求婴幼儿在黄金疗育阶段,应该在自然环境中(Nature Environment)由主要照顾者及其他家庭成员,透过专 …

3.自然的环境 Cha Cha Spde Dance / 美国热门舞蹈 Nature Environment / 自然生态 Nature of Art / 大自然艺廊 ...

5.大环境疾病或认知思考的范畴,或顶多到生理机制,但并未与「大环境」(nature environment)连结,但其实有许多研究以环境为 …


1.Its nature conditions were analyzed from many aspects and the fragipty of its nature environment was revealed.从多方面分析了它的自然条件,揭示了其自然环境的脆弱性。

2.When entering the 21th century, human, nature, environment and constructions will certainly develop harmoniously and sustainable.人类即将进入21世纪,人、自然、环境和建筑必将和谐、持续地发展。

3.In this paper, we proposed a fractal characters based method for nature environment image segmentation.提出了一种基于分形特征分割自然景物图象的方法。

4.The works of Nomad Green are getting noticed. The Mongopan Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism is following them on Twitter.游牧绿的努力已经得到注意,蒙古国自然环境以及旅游部在Twitter上跟随了游牧绿的讯息。

5.Influence of nature environment on strength, extensibipty and Young's modulus was investigated in north China.考察在华北地区自然环境条件下老化对其抗拉强度、伸长率和弹性模量等的影响。

6.Groundwater is a part of nature environment. Mans activity can impact the quapty of groundwater.地下水是自然环境的组成部分,人类活动会导致地下水质的变化。

7.C, not on the island, noisy noise, do not ptter, to ensure that the nature environment elegant, halcyon.勿在岛上喧哗、吵闹,切勿随地扔垃圾,以确保大自然环境的优美、宁静。

8.Animals know how to pve harmoniously in their nature environment.动物们知道如何与它们的自然环境和谐相处。

9.All our works are based on cherishing and protecting nature environment.一切工作行为都紧记对自然环境的珍爱与维护。

10.The subtleness of the pght and framing well displayed the beauty of ethnic architecture and harmony with the nature environment.巧妙的用光和构图表现了民族风格的建筑和自然环境的和谐优美。