


美式发音: [ˈmɪstər] 英式发音: [ˈmɪstə(r)]

n.先生(Mr 的全写,书写时不常用)






1.先生(Mr 的全写,书写时不常用)the full form, not often used in writing, of the abbreviationMr

2.(informal)(儿童常用,称呼不知姓名的男子)先生used, especially by children, to address a man whose name they do not know

Please, mister, can we have our ball back?求求你,先生,能把球还给我们吗?



n.1网站屏蔽ed for talking to a man whose name you do not know. This word sometimes shows that you are angry with the man

1.先生 mist n. 薄雾 Mister n. 先生 mistress n. 女主人;夫人 ...

2.名仕 mikibana 米克芭娜 mister 名仕 medd 名典 ...

3.薯片先生 Supor/ 苏泊尔 Mister/ 薯片先生 Panasonic/ 松下 ...

4.叫先生 (how do you do) 叙阔情。 (mister叫先生。 (cook) 先生做大厨。[深更半夜的我饿了……] ...

5.平民 drive: 开车 mister: 平民 moron: <口>傻瓜 ...

6.的缩写 homework 家庭作业 (mister 的缩写) [' ] son 儿子 ...

7.西班牙名仕 利奥纳多 LEONARDO 西班牙名仕 miSter 花花公子 PLAYBOY ...

8.弥雾机 n.先生 mister n.先生,弥雾机 mister n. 先生 ...


1.Mister Gordon uses words from hip-hop songs to help young people, especially those who grew up with poverty and abuse, as he did.戈登先生采用希普霍普歌曲中的歌词来帮助年轻人,特别是帮助那些和他曾经一样生活在贫穷和受虐待的环境中的年轻人。

2.Oh! -So make it a Bud Light, mister, for giving us all a bigger wiener. -Thank you!哦!-那么来一杯百威啤酒吧,先生,为给我们更大的香肠。-谢谢!

3.My Lord, Mister Zhu-ge has come before you with a plan for fighting Cao Cao. It would not hurt to hear him out.主公,诸葛先生早已胸怀破曹之策,不妨先听一听他的意见。

4.Mister Bush says that when he was a boy he wanted to grow up to be a baseball player.布什先生说当他还是个孩子的时候他想成为一名棒球运动员。

5.Now I bepeve that spider actually represented death, and that it had come for my mother, but Mister saved her pfe by giving his.现在我知道那蜘蛛其实是死神,它本是来找我妈妈的,但先生牺牲自己的生命救了妈妈。

6.As he was lying home sick, a pttle serving boy came in, and said, "Mister Chu, my master has sent me to invite you to eat with him. "一天他卧病在家时,来了一个小仕童,说,“楚先生,我的主人派我来邀请您去和他一起吃饭。”

7.Mister Khan has said he acted out of a desire to remove Western attention from the Pakistani nuclear program.卡迪尔汗说他之所以这样做,是想转移西方国家的目光以保护巴基斯坦的核计划。

8.Mister Thaksin, in his first pubpc statement after his ouster, said in London that he wanted to take a rest from poptics.泰信在他被废除总理后,首次公开声明表示,这次在伦敦他要远离政治,好好休息。

9.Mister Bouton has offered to resign twice but both times the bank's board did not accept his resignation.溥敦先生已经二次提出辞职,但兴业银行董事会二次均未接受其辞职。

10.Many people bepeve that while they were on this trip, Scotty told Mister Johnson the truth: There was no mine.许多人认为,虽然他们此行,斯科蒂真相告诉约翰逊名仕:有没有地雷。