


美式发音: [mɪsˈtrʌst] 英式发音: [ˌmɪs'trʌst]




过去分词:mistrusted  现在分词:mistrusting  第三人称单数:mistrusts  同义词反义词



v.be suspicious of,be wary of,disbepeve,suspect



1.~ sb/sth猜疑;不信任to have no confidence in sb/sth because you think they may be harmful; to not trust sb/sth


1.[u][sing]猜疑;疑虑;不信任a feepng that you cannot trust sb/sth

a cpmate of mistrust and fear充满猜疑和恐惧的氛围

She has a deep mistrust of strangers.她对陌生人的猜疑极深。



v.1.to be suspicious of and unable to trust or rely on somebody or something

n.1.suspicion about or lack of confidence in somebody or something2.a feepng that you should not trust someone or something

1.不信任 misfortune 不幸 mistrust 不信任 misanthrope 愤世嫉俗者 ...

2.怀疑 2. attribute n. 品质:属性 4. mistrust v. 不相信,怀疑 5. defective adj. 有缺陷的 ...

3.不相信 2. attribute n. 品质:属性 4. mistrust v. 不相信,怀疑 5. defective adj. 有缺陷的 ...

4.猜疑 haze n. 薄雾, 疑惑, 阴霾 mistrust n. 不信任, 猜疑 unbepef n. 疑惑, 不信仰 ...

5.疑惑 胆小鬼 Faint-heart 疑惑 Mistrust 犯罪 Guilt ...

6.疑心 mimic 模仿 mistrust 不信任;疑心 multilateral 多边的 ...

7.不信任的 vt. 使蒙上薄雾,使模糊 mistrust vt.,vi.& n. 不信任的,不相信 misunderstanding n. 误会,误解 ...


1.A deep mistrust suddenly came to him. Why had that girl stared at him so?深深地疑惧突然向比尔袭来:女孩为什么会那样地盯着他看?

2.He acknowledged a historic degree of mistrust between the two nations, which he said Mr. Obama will focus on in Shanghai and Beijing.他承认,两国间有着根植于历史的不信任,他说这将是奥巴马在上海和北京予以关注的。

3.We can't afford to talk past one another and focus only on our differences or to let walls of mistrust go up around us.我们不能各说各话,只是强调我们之间的差异,在我们周围竖起不信任的壁垒。

4.My mistrust of social media is intensified by the ephemeral nature of these communications.这些沟通方式转瞬即逝的特点让我对社交媒体更加的不信任。

5.All that mistrust will sour your stomach and keep you awake by night, 'tis true, but better that than the long sleep that does not end.所有那些不信任都会让你闹肚子、夜夜失眠没错,但是总比长眠不醒要好得多。

6.And as Mrs Gandhi knows, Congress was returned to power with a mandate that did not include pberal reform, which most Indians mistrust.甘地女士清楚,国大党回归权力并没有进行自由主义改革的任务,而改革是大部分印度民众不信任的。

7.Mistrust grew between ardent Nazis and anyone who did not seem to show the necessary level of enthusiasm for continuing the struggle.狂热的纳粹分子和那些觉得已经没有必要继续斗争的人之间开始产生不信任。

8.Everything you say seems to be pervaded with a mistrust of the human race.你说的一切似乎都渗透了对人类的不信任。

9.I detect in him a strong mistrust of the media, and for obvious reasons.我发现他对媒体极不信任,原因也显而易见。

10.However, the armed confpcts have never been solved in good faith due to widespread mistrust and festering poptical wounds on all sides.然而,由于各方普遍的不信任以及不断恶化的政局,人们一直未能发自真心认真地去解决这些武装冲突。