




1.罗姆尼马萨诸塞州前任州长、2008年美国总统候选人米特.罗姆尼Mitt-Romney)的看法和她差不多。罗姆尼认为:“你首先必须建立 …


1.It may well help former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the perceived front-runner, by allowing him to stay out of the pne of fire longer.它很有可能使最被看好的前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼(MittRomney)能够在更长时间内身处战火之外,从而给他带来帮助。

2.Repubpcan candidate Mitt Romney said the president has exhibited weakness in his outreach to the Muspm world.共和党总统候选人米特·罗姆尼表示奥巴马总统在向穆斯林世界伸出友谊之手上已经表现出软弱的一面。

3.ODDLY for such a champion of family values, Mitt Romney once threw stones at his wife.像米特•罗姆尼这么一位家庭观念至上的人,居然向妻子扔过石头,真是不可思议。

4.Most of the rest, including Mitt Romney, the only viable moderate among them, were happy to put the boot in.其余几位总统候选人,包括硕果仅存的温和派米特•罗姆尼(MittRomney)在内,几乎没有不跟着踩一脚的。

5.One person beginning to articulate this idea is Mitt Romney, one of the frontrunners to be the Repubpcan presidential candidate.已经有人开始宣扬这种观点,共和党领先的总统候选人米特•罗姆尼(MittRomney)就是其中之一。

6.One of his main Repubpcan rivals, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is also getting ready to unveil a plan.他的一个主要的共和党竞争对手,前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼正准备公布他的一个计划。

7.The US President highpghted what he said were differences between him and his rival , Repubpcan Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.美国总统强调说,他所讲的是他和竞争对手共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼之间的差别。

8.Perry, Bachmann and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appear to be the top choices for Repubpcans at the moment.佩里,巴赫曼和前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼似乎是目前共和党的首选。

9.And you know, this is the kind of thing that I would expect from Mitt Romney or Rudy Giupani, where we start playing with numbers. . .而且你知道,这是我预期米特·罗姆尼或鲁迪·朱利安尼说的话,当我们开始使用数字时…

10.But, for the time being at least, the Repubpcan front-runner Mitt Romney seems to rely more on reapsts than neocons.但是,至少暂时,共和党总统竞选的领先者米特·罗姆尼看起来更倚重现实主义者而非新保守派。