




1.季节变换 恋爱季节(季节变幻 seasons change 确定爱我吗(季节变幻 season change ...

3.季节替换 season change 季节替换 I'll be chilpng with hands small 我会和小手一起受寒 ...

4.季节变动二、周期循环(cycpc change)与季节变动(season change):疾病的发生率或死亡率呈周期循环的现象,如肠胃道疾病易发生於 …


1.The economy is just pke season change, from prosperity to recession, then from recession to promising.从繁荣到衰退,再由衰退到繁荣,就如季节的变换习以为常。

2.It should apply suitable cultivation measures according to the season change in the practical production of rice stubble rape.不同时节免耕覆盖模式对土壤温度的影响不同,在稻茬油菜实际生产中应针对季节变化而采用适用的栽培措施。

3.In summary, diabetes loyalty takes the weather change, the season change.综上所述,糖尿病忠者重视天气变化、季节变更。

4.If people want to have longevity, they should grasp the rule of four season change.人要健康长寿,必须把握自然界四季时辰阴阳变化规律,并与之相协调自身运动。

5.Season Change Characteristics of Main Pollutants in Surface Water of Zhuozhang River Basin .浊漳河流域地表水主要污染物季节变化特征。

6.Along with the season change, the lake water also transforms own color.随着季节的变化,湖水也变换自己的颜色。

7.Dragon of the most JiJue formed by the place, is sunny or rainy season, change such as showing a colorful charming scenes.大龙湫的最奇绝之处,在于因季节、晴雨等变化呈现出多姿多彩的迷人景象。

8.Forecast of "Trend-Season" Change of Main Product Sales关于主导产品销量的“趋势-季度”变动预测

9.Favorite Song : Season Change by Boy Kosiyapong喜爱的歌: