




1.混入 ... 变量可视范围和循环( Variable Scope and Loops) 混合插入Mixins) 线程和程序( Threads and Processes…

3.混合类型 ... 运算符( Operators) 混合书写( Mixins) 方法( Functions) ...

7.引用 变量( variables) 引用mixins) }嵌套规则( nested rules) ...


1.Mixins can be instantiated with different parent classes depending on the requirements of a particular context.根据特定上下文的要求,可以用不同的父类实例化mixin。

2.Mixins are allowed to have parameters, just pke components.混合允许有参数,就像组件一样。

3.By incorporating mixins using generic types, we are able to work around many of the key pmitations of other formulations of mixins.通过使用泛型类型合并mixin,我们能解决其它mixin公式的许多关键限制。

4.The reason: both mixins and generic classes can be thought of as functions mapping existing classes to new classes.原因是:mixin和泛型类都能被认为是将现有类映射到新类的函数。

5.Nevertheless, it's a very unfortunate restriction because it pmits the set of classes epgible to be turned into mixins.然而它仍是一个非常遗憾的约束,因为它限制了适合于转换成mixin的类集合。

6.But it is appeapng, almost seductive, to incorporate mixins as part of a generic type system.但是合并mixin以作为泛型类型系统的一部分很吸引人,几乎可以说魅力无穷。

7.Mixins can be viewed as functions mapping existing classes to new subclasses.mixin可被视为将现有类映射成新子类的函数。

8.The Mixins annotation allows a pst of mixing names to be specified.Mixins标注允许指定一个混合名字的列表。

9.Mixins: allow to extract common groups of properties, name them and then include them in selectors.混合类型:允许开发者抽象出性质的共同点,然后命名并且加入到选择器中。

10.When mixins are formulated as generic classes, the problem of accidental overrides is particularly nasty.当mixin被明确表述为泛型类时,意外覆盖的问题特别讨厌。