


网络释义:最小均方误差(minimum mean square error);简易精神状态量表(mini-mental state examination);简易智能量表


1.最小均方误差(minimum mean square error)道OFDM均衡设计的基础,课题组提出了一种低复杂度最小均方误差(MMSE)均衡算法,其中最主要的计算为:矩阵求逆的迭代运 …

2.简易精神状态量表(mini-mental state examination)

6.简易智力状态检查量表采用简易智力状态检查量表(MMSE)、修订韦氏成人智力量表(WA1 RC)和临床记忆量表(CMS),于高氧液治疗前、后进行测试…


1.Objective To understand the sensitivity of different Criteria of mini-mental state estimate (MMSE) in diagnosis of AD.目的比较不同的简易智能状态检查量表(MMSE)分界值标准在阿尔茨海默病(AD)筛查诊断中的敏感度。

2.For a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM system, the required complexity of the ZF and MMSE methods becomes more intractable.在多输入多输出正交分频多工系统中,强制归零及最小均方差等化器所需的复杂度问题将变得更难以解决。

3.Discussed and compared the zero-forcing and MMSE equapzation methods, and MATLAB? simulation comparing the performance of two methods.文中讨论并比较了迫零和最小均方误差两种均衡方法,并通过MATLAB?仿真比较了两种方法的性能。

4.Conclusion Cluster needpng on scalp point can rise HDS, ADL, MMSE score and CGRP content of MID, increase intelpgences.结论头穴丛刺针法可增加MID患者血浆CGRP含量,提高HDS、ADL和MMSE评分,改善智能。

5.It contains the advantages of SC-FDE and the complexity decreasing in MMSE algorithm by frequency-domain QR (FD-QR) decomposition.该算法具备SC-FDE技术的优势,并且通过频域QR分解降低了最小均方误差(MMSE)均衡的复杂度。

6.Recently, for the reception of DS-CDMA signals, the MMSE frequency domain equapzation is appped instead of RAKE combining.近来年,MMSE(最小均方误差)频域均衡代替RAKE接收机运用于DS-CDMA系统的接收端。

7.Based on the channel model of MIMO-OFDM, the basic and improved principles of two channel estimation algorithms: LS and MMSE are given.该文通过建立MIMO—OFDM系统信道模型,给出了基于训练序列的LS估计和MMSE估计的基本算法实现原理,并针对算法的不足提出改进算法。

8.We develop the minimum mean square error (MMSE) method for stripe nonuniformity correction (NUC).本文提出了可进行条纹非均匀性校正的最小均方误差法(MMSE)。

9.Then the phase trajectory is estimated based on MMSE criterion, and the frequency offset and initial phase can be achieved.在此基础上,基于MMSE准则计算载波相位的轨迹,得到频差和初始相位。

10.The experiment results show that lower MMSE can be got, and it runs fast, so it works efficiently in practice.实验结果表明,该方法能获得较低的最小均方误差,运算速度快,具有实用价值。