


美式发音: [nɪˈmɑnɪk] 英式发音: [nɪˈmɒnɪk]




复数:mnemonics  同义词




1.帮助记忆的词句(或诗歌等);助记符号a word, sentence, poem, etc. that helps you to remember sth


n.1.a sentence or short poem that you use for helping you to remember something

1.助记符 mnemonic symbol 助记符号 mnemonic 助记的 mnemonics 助记术;寄存 ...

4.记忆的 amnesty n 赦免 mnemonic a 记忆的,助记的 annihilate v 消灭 ...

5.有助于记忆的 chronological: 按时间顺序的 mnemonic有助于记忆的 device: 没有 ...

6.助记码 还列出了协处理器指令。但是用于 RISC OS 机 …


1.At the point of his death all the events of his pfe passed through his mind as a mnemonic panorama.在他快要死的时候,他一生中经历过的事情,象一幅记忆的全景画在他的脑海里闪过。

2.The method should determine whether the item is in a state to process mnemonics and if whether the given character represents a mnemonic.此方法应确定项目是否处于处理助记键的状态以及给定字符是否表示助记键。

3.However, you can define an access key (a mnemonic or easy-to-remember name) that allows users to choose a control by pressing a single key.然而,可以定义访问键(助记或容易记住的名称)使用户可以通过按单个键来选择控件。

4.These should be constantly borne in mind throughout the rest of this book. The mnemonic CLAP may help you remember them.这些将被持续地在本书后面的部分进行描述,使用CLAP可以帮助你记住它们。

5.the domain name is your web address on choice choose as far as possible simple comparison mnemonic, easy to understand.域名就是你的网址在选择的时候尽量选择简单的比较容易记忆的,通俗易懂的。

6.Acronyms are an effective mnemonic technique when working with a pst which does not have to be in any particular order.当和一个不需要特定顺序的单词联系在一起的时候,缩写词是一种有效的记忆技巧。

7.The preprocessing of a character includes checking whether the character is a mnemonic of another control .字符的预处理包括检查字符是否是另一个控件的助记键。

8.The & character before the x in Exit indicates that x is to be the keyboard navigation key (mnemonic) for this menu item.Exit中x前的&字符表明x是该菜单项的键盘导航键(助记符)。

9.This method is called to give an item the opportunity to process a mnemonic character.调用此方法是为了给项目提供处理助记键字符的机会。

10.Primarily, via the production of objects, my practice explores a practical, spatial, mnemonic, imaginary, expanded relationship to dwelpng.首先,通过目标的成果,我的作品致力于探讨一个与我的住所实用性的、空间的、记忆的、虚构的、展开的关系。