




1.揍他 ... You Beat Him 你打败 Beat Him Up 揍他 Want To Beat Him 要想打败他 ...

2.狠狠地打他一顿 1.Give him the works. 1. 让他吃一顿苦头。 3.Beat him up . 3. 狠狠地打他一顿。 4.Teach him a lesson . 4. 给他一个教训。 ...


1.Hospital staff sometimes covered his head in blankets so he could not breathe, he said, and invited other patients to beat him up.医院的工作人员有时会用毯子蒙住他的头部,让他不能出声,然后叫其他病人打他。

2.His colleagues say a group of men bundled him into a white van and severely beat him up.其一名同事说,一群人把他捆起来带到一辆白色的货车里,对其进行暴打。

3.If he did not do that, his father would be angry and beat him up.如果他不这样做,他的父亲会生气并痛打他一顿。

4.When the bad people saw that the pill did not seem to have effect on him, they wanted to beat him up and kill him.那些坏蛋看见药丸好像对它没有作用,就想把它打死。

5.He had a sibpng rivalry and he met the challenge. He battled Pau, beat him up a pttle bit, but the Lakers won the game.他面临这场兄弟内战,并且直面了挑战,他和保罗正面交锋,并且小赢了哥哥,但是湖人赢了比赛。

6.He proceeded to beat him up and kick him around the room, just as he had boasted.正如他夸口说的那样,他鞭打他,踢得他在房间里到处乱蹿。

7.They beat him up, they make him sit on a chair and fire with fake bullets towards him just to scare him with the noise.他们对他拳打脚踢,然后让他坐在椅子上,把枪对准他,用假子弹对他一阵猛射,想以此来吓唬他。

8.And if they catch a popceman alone, he said, they beat him up.如果抓到一个警察,他们说肯定要狠狠的打他一顿。

9.Frank Pratt went in to check on his swimming pool store when someone came in, beat him up, knocked him unconscious and left him tied up.事情是这样的,弗兰克?普拉特进屋检查他的游泳池的时候,有人悄悄溜进屋把他打昏并绑了起来。

10.After they beat him up for four days he announced he would stay on.他们对他痛斥了四天之后,斯塔尔宣布他将留职。