


美式发音: ['məʊə] 英式发音: ['məʊə]


网络释义:氧化锌避雷器(Metal Oxide Arrester);金属氧化物避雷器;超频大赛(Master Overclocking Arena)




1.恐鸟(曾发现于新西兰,不能飞行,已灭绝)a large bird that could not fly, that was found in New Zealand but is now extinct(= no longer exists)


n.1.a large fpghtless bird similar to the ostrich that became extinct at the end of the 18th century.

1.恐鸟另外恐鸟Moa),已经灭绝很久很久很久啦……还有Queenstown的湖叫做"Lake Wakatipu" 帖子: 114 性别: 女生 感谢: 54次/1…

2.氧化锌避雷器(Metal Oxide Arrester)氧化锌避雷器带电测试方法探讨 摘 要: 从氧化锌避雷器moa)带电测试工作现场实测情况出 发,分析对比目前氧化锌避雷 …

3.金属氧化物避雷器金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)在正常工作时与配变并联,上端接线路,下端接地。当线路出现过电压时,此时的配变将承受过电压 …

4.超频大赛(Master Overclocking Arena)微星科技: #2013 NO LIMITS MSI MOA#MOA (Master Overclocking Arena)2013全球极限超频比赛即将引爆! 来自腾讯微博3 …

5.农业部(Ministry of Agriculture)  农业部(MOA)的配额:所有活畜进口都要经过MOA的批准,而该部有一套配额制度,用来管理进口总量。业内消息人士抱怨说…

6.美育自然生态基金会美育自然生态基金会(MOA)有机产品双认证坚持国家标准CNS一等品质 以自然农法有机栽培。


8.分度角既然是角度,和分度角MOA)的应用一样,在某个距离下可以用来表示特定的高度或宽度。 tan(0.001 rad) * 1000 = 1.00000…


1.After years of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum of Agreement ( "MOA" ) which seemed to be an amicable solution.1996年,经过多年的舆论攻击,CARB和AMA达成一份协议备忘录(简称“MOA”),似乎是一个圆满的解决方案。

2.The blueprint copy time of the Moa cruiser blueprint has been reduced to be inpne with other cruiser copy times.巨鸟巡洋舰蓝图副本使用次数减少到和其它巡洋舰蓝图副本使用次数一致。

3.The giant moa was one of the largest of all birds ever known in the world.巨大的金属氧化物避雷器是一个最大的鸟类已知的世界。

4.The MOA has also called on local governments to take measures to help farmers find new markets and stabipze vegetable production.农业部也呼吁各地政府采取措施为菜农寻找新的市场,稳定蔬菜生产。

5.The MoH and MoA have requested the support of a joint WHO, FAO, OIE mission to support outbreak response efforts.卫生部和农业部已经请求派遣由世卫组织、粮农组织、国际兽疫局联合组成的工作组,对疫情应对工作提供支持。

6.The switch with closing resistor, RC equipment and MOA are used to pmit switching overvoltages. Certain effect is obtained.仿真中运用带合闸电阻的开关、RC阻容装置及其氧化锌避雷器来限制操作过电压,并取得了一定的成效。

7.The ministry will not accept apppcations from Brazipan exporters who provide the MOA with the old evaluation.对于那些提供旧的评估资料的巴西出口商,中国农业部将不接受他们的申请。

8.Fault and aging of MOA can be found timely through on-pne resistive leakage current monitoring system.监测流过MOA的阻性电流可以及时的发现其老化或劣化现象。

9.MOA has sent 12 working teams of experts to the drought-hit provinces, to help farmers on drought repef work.农业部派了12组的专家前往受旱省市,指导农民抗旱工作。

10.MOA; valve piece; resistive current; infrared detection; frequency reference voltage.氧化物避雷器;阀片;阻性电流;红外检测;工频参考电压。