




1.两分钟 Yah. 好 Two minutes. 两分钟 Dial this number...now. 马上拨打这支电话 ...

2.还有两分钟 Practise for five minutes 练习五分钟 Two minutes 还有两分钟 One mimutes 还有一分钟 ...

3.一分钟 一小时的说法有以下二种: two hours 一分钟two minutes 一秒钟: two secon…

4.二分 (九时) - Nine o'clock (二分) - Two minutes (五分) - Five minutes ...

5.两分钟之后 ... (呈现学生板书的答案。) The boss makes the worker to work for 16 hours a day. two minutes.( 两分钟之后。) ...


1.Papaya and milk in a blender, apply to the face, two minutes later washed off. Persist for a week, there will be good results!木瓜和牛奶,用搅拌机打碎,敷在脸上,二十分钟左右洗掉。坚持一个星期,会有不错的效果!

2.In two minutes, the bus arrived at the stop. and she got off the bus quickly and said nothing to me.过了两分钟,车到站了,她很快下了车,也没跟我说一句话。

3.Claude Makelele played all but the last two minutes and Didier Drogba had a fine game and several good efforts on goal.马黑打完全场,在最后两分钟他还化解了德罗巴几个有威胁的射门。

4.He walked home slowly while talking to himself and kept puzzpng over why the train hadn't waited for him for two minutes more .他一面说,一面慢慢地走回家,心里总不明白为什么火车不肯等他两分钟。

5.Shown in two minutes of video as it takes laps on a race track, we get to see the car driven the way a Ferrari was meant to be driven.显示在两分钟的视频,因为它需要圈赛道上,我们可以看到一辆法拉利的方式,意在推动。

6.It was all over in less than two minutes, but I remember it still.这一切还不到两分钟,但我仍然记得清清楚楚。

7.We'd been inside for two minutes when a request, an order, came that we were to lunch with the sheriff, the man in charge.我们在里面只等了两分钟,就有一份要求或命令传来,要我们与主管这里的治安官共进午餐。

8.He said and went back to his home. In the mind, he never clear about why the train is not wilpng to wait him for two minutes.他一面说,一面慢慢地走回家,心里总不很明白为什么火车不肯等他两分钟。

9.'It's hard to tell in two minutes if someone becomes more empathetic, ' said Robert Songer, one of the researchers on the project.“很难说在两分钟内,使用者会变得更善解人意,”这个项目的研究人员之一罗伯特·松儿说。

10.And although I was exercising for only a minute and a half, it took more than two minutes for my heart rate to settle back to normal.虽然我只运动了约一分钟半,心搏速率回复原状却花了两分钟。