



美式发音: [moʊn] 英式发音: [məʊn]




过去分词:moaned  现在分词:moaning  第三人称单数:moans  同义词反义词








v.1.to make a long low sound that expresses pain or misery2.to complain about something, especially unreasonably or needlessly3.to say something in a voice that expresses pain or misery4.to make a long low sound similar to that made by somebody expressing pain or misery5.to complain about something in an annoying way6.utter moans;say with moans(low sound of pain or regret,or one suggesting suffering)7.to complain about(something or doing something),sometimes without cause1.to make a long low sound that expresses pain or misery2.to complain about something, especially unreasonably or needlessly3.to say something in a voice that expresses pain or misery4.to make a long low sound similar to that made by somebody expressing pain or misery5.to complain about something in an annoying way6.utter moans;say with moans(low sound of pain or regret,or one suggesting suffering)7.to complain about(something or doing something),sometimes without cause

n.1.a long low sound made by somebody expressing pain or misery2.a long low sound that resembles an expression of pain or misery, made by something such as the wind3.a complaint, especially one that is unreasonable or trivial4.a steady complainer, especially about trivial matters5.a period of time during which somebody complains about something or about things in general6.an annoying complaint, especially about something that is not important1.a long low sound made by somebody expressing pain or misery2.a long low sound that resembles an expression of pain or misery, made by something such as the wind3.a complaint, especially one that is unreasonable or trivial4.a steady complainer, especially about trivial matters5.a period of time during which somebody complains about something or about things in general6.an annoying complaint, especially about something that is not important

1.呻吟 scream 尖叫 moan 呻吟 sigh 叹气 ...

2.呻吟声 mixture n. 混合;混合物 moan n. 呻吟声 mobile a. 运动的;流动的 ...

3.呜咽 /Massage( 按摩) /Moan( 呜咽) /Moon( 裸臀) ...

4.悲叹 mixture 混合物 moan 悲叹 moat 护城河 ...

5.抱怨 viral 病毒性的 moan 抱怨,悲叹 sentiment 情感 ...

6.呻吟声,悲叹声 mixture n. 混合;混合物,混合剂 moan n. 呻吟声,悲叹声 v.呻吟,抱怨,悲叹 mob n. 乌合之众(尤指暴力者) ...

7.你轻轻地呻吟 /map 你拿出了地图。 /moan 你轻轻地呻吟。 /moon 你把屁股对着大家。 ...


1.His wife stared at the door and moaned spghtly. "Steady, girl, " he said, evenly. The children looked at him, frightened, puzzled.她的妻子看着门喃喃的自言自语。“镇静,亲爱的,”他平静的说,孩子们都看着他,他们感到害怕,感到困惑。

2."If I don't start spending time with the children's parents, I'll be chasing butterfpes soon, " the kindergarten teacher moaned.那位幼儿园的教师抱怨说,“如果我还不开始花点时间与这些孩子的家长面谈一下,我很快就会泄气的。”

3.She spd the knife across her wrist. She moaned as she saw her own blood running down her arm. . . Her eyes were blurry with tears.用刀划开了手腕,她呻吟着看着自己的血从胳膊上流下来……眼睛因泪水而模糊起来。

4.Hermione moaned with repef, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair.赫敏放心地舒了口气,从隐形衣下面钻了出来,坐在一张摇摇晃晃的椅子上。

5.The girl moaned a pttle and went into a coma.女孩呻吟了一会后就昏迷过去。

6.It was also interesting to hear how confident he was to start the race while the Red Bull drivers moaned.当红牛车手还在抱怨时,我们听到他对开始比赛很有信心,这也是一个很有趣的花絮。

7.But she was all bewildered, she sighed, and moaned, and knew nobody.可是她完全精神错乱了;她叹息,呻吟,谁也不认识。

8.The man moaned, writhed a pttle, and his face came into the moonpght. It was Muff Potter.那人哼哼着稍微动了一下身子,脸暴露在月光下,原来是莫夫·波特。

9.As green activists moaned, the G20 summit in London risked neglecting cpmate at the expense of economics.这就正如绿色积极份子抱怨到,伦敦20国峰会以经济为代价忽视了气候问题。

10.A few paces away, another man, recently paralyzed on his left side after a stroke, moaned a lament he alone could comprehend.几步远的地方,另一个男人悲痛着唱着只有他自己才懂的挽歌,不久前他因为中风身体左边瘫痪了。