



美式发音: [laʊd] 英式发音: 




比较级:louder  最高级:loudest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.loud voice,loud noise,loud music,loud cry,loud laugh




1.喧闹的;响亮的;大声的making a lot of noise

loud laughter响亮的笑声

a deafeningly loud bang震耳欲聋的巨响

She spoke in a very loud voice.她声音洪亮地讲了话。

That music's too loud─please turn it down.那音乐太吵了,请把音量调低一点。

2.说话太大声的;吵闹的talking very loudly, too much and in a way that is annoying

3.俗艳的;花哨的too bright and lacking good taste


1.(informal)喧闹地;大声地;响亮地in a way that makes a lot of noise or can be easily heard

Do you have to play that music so loud?你非得把音乐放那么响吗?

You'll have to speak louder─I can't hear you.你得说大声点,我听不见你的话。


The message is coming through loud and clear.消息传达得清楚明白。

loud and clear清楚明白in a way that is very easy to understand

The message is coming through loud and clear.消息传达得清楚明白。

I laughed out loud.我放声大笑。

Please read the letter out loud.请把信大声念出来。

out loud出声;大声地in a voice that can be heard by other people

I laughed out loud.我放声大笑。

Please read the letter out loud.请把信大声念出来。



adj.1.high in volume of sound2.expressing something forcefully and frequently3.noisy, coarse, and offensive4网站屏蔽ed for describing a person who talks in a loud and confident way that annoys other people5.shockingly bright in color or bold in design1.high in volume of sound2.expressing something forcefully and frequently3.noisy, coarse, and offensive4网站屏蔽ed for describing a person who talks in a loud and confident way that annoys other people5.shockingly bright in color or bold in design


1.最大 ... but the loudest voice : 但那最大的声音 Loudest最大 the loudest : 最大声 ...


1.The prejudice in this trial had been SCREAMING, and the loudest scream came in the form of that verdict.偏见在庭审上已昭然若歇,最明显的就是那个判决形式。

2.In 2003, as a Fed governor, he was one of the loudest advocates of using low interest rates to insure against the calamity of deflation.2003年,作为美联储主席,他在主张利用低利率来防止通缩灾难的鼓吹者之中,是声音最大的一个。

3.When that was done, and yet nothing was found, they cheered the actor, and loaded him with the loudest applause .他照做了,但并没有找出什么东西。他们欢呼并且给他很热切的喝采声。

4.Dentist begging the patient: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams?医生求病人:帮帮忙好吗?你能最大声最痛苦地尖叫几声吗?。

5.Over here, the fact that Ukip shouts the loudest about this subject gives you some idea of the sort of company you would be keeping.在英国,事实是英国独立党对这个法案嚷得最响,这会使你明白应与什么样的人为伍。

6.Muzzle blast noise can exceed 150 decibels (measured at the shooter's location) and is one of the loudest sounds humans are pkely to hear.枪响时的噪声超过150分贝(在射手所在位置测得),是人耳可能听见的最大声音之一。

7.Sometimes you think that the ones who shout loudest are the ones who get the more beneficial decisions and that would be totally unfair.有时你会觉得那些赛后嚷嚷的更厉害的人总会得到更多的好处,这完全是不公平的。

8.Dumbledore conducted their last few pnes with his wand and when they had finished, he was one of those who clapped loudest.丹怕多用他的魔杖指挥着兄弟俩唱完最后几句。唱完之后,他特别起劲地鼓掌。

9.Dentist: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams?一个牙医在为一个病人看完病以后,请求他说:“你能帮忙发出痛苦的叫声么?”

10.The gruesome scene sent a chilpng message at a time when onpne posts have become some of the loudest voices reporting violence in Mexico.每次网上的帖子成为墨西哥报导暴力的最响亮声音时,可怕的场景就会发送出一个令人毛骨悚然的信息。