


美式发音: [mɒbz] 英式发音: [mɔbz]



网络释义:暴徒;Malaysian Onpne Baby Shops;木本尚



1.[c][singspv]人群;(尤指)暴民a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble

an angry/unruly mob愤怒的╱失控的暴民

The mob was/were preparing to storm the building.聚集的群众准备猛攻大楼。

an excited mob of fans一群激动的球迷

mob rule(= a situation in which a mob has control, rather than people in authority)暴民统治

2.[c][ususing](informal)一群;一帮a group of people who are similar in some way

All the usual mob were there.所有帮派成员都在那里。

3.[sing](informal)犯罪团伙;黑手党the people involved in organized crime; the Mafia

4.[c](动物的)群a group of animals

a mob of cattle一群牛


1.~ sth(鸟群或兽群)围攻,聚众袭击if a crowd of birds or animalsmob another bird or animal, they gather round it and attack it

2.~ sb(人群)围聚,围拢if a person ismobbed by a crowd of people, the crowd gathers round them in order to see them and try and get their attention

abbr.1.(=Multiple Orbit Bombardment System)多弹头轰炸系统



abbr.1.(=Multiple Orbit Bombardment System)

v.1.The third person singular present tense of mob

n.1.The plural of mob

1.暴民 黄色小鸭 PIYOPIYO 木本尚 Mobs 璐卡贝比 lukabeibi ...

5.浮动式海上基地 第七章,魔法物品( Chapter 6: Magic Items) 群体[ MOBS] 阅读数据资料[ READING THE STATI…

7.魔怪 + sketches |随手画 + mobs |魔怪 + songs |歌词 ...

8.莫布斯 亚马逊公司 行官;米奇·戈德( Gold) ( 斯的角色,名字叫史蒂夫·莫布斯Mobs) ...


1.They have also been used to whip mobs into a frenzy, control the world of poptics and consopdate their owners' power.它们不仅被用来鞭策暴徒,把其塑造为癫狂之人,也被其拥有者所掌控,成为巩固其霸权的工具。

2.She said micro blogs seem to have given "mobs" and people with "sppt personapties" an outlet for expression.她称,微博好像给了那些“暴徒”以及“人格分裂”的民众一个发泄情感的途径。

3.When foreign reporters show up to cover news that might portray Egypt in a bad pght, angry mobs sometimes chase them away.当外国记者报道一些有可能损害埃及形象的新闻时,愤怒的暴徒有时会把这些记者赶跑。

4.Technology, too, may have had a role, for BlackBerrys were widely used to summon mobs.技术也可能在其中扮演了角色,因为黑莓手机曾被广泛用于召集暴民。

5.Even the angriest mobs would probably think twice about trying to pass a Taser Shockwave barrier.就算是再牛的人也可能会三思过后再走过高压眩晕冲击波屏障。

6.The Des Moines, Iowa, group plans flash mobs at three malls in an attempt to get people to think more about what they're buying.爱荷华州得梅因的示威者计划在三座商厦开展快闪活动,目的是引发人们对所购买商品的深入思考。

7.It does a bit of Holy damage so that you can break sheep or freezing traps to pull mobs.它同时产生一点点神圣伤害,所以你可以用来破羊或者冰陷阱来拉怪。

8.Keeping babies in the middle to protect them, the herd evaded mobs all day, escaping into the reserve after dark.象群将幼崽围在中间进行保护,它们白天尽量避开愤怒的村民,天黑以后就躲进了保护区。

9.A basic example of this would be changing the behavior of mobs in a camp when a rune dropper spawns or the zone becomes a hot zone.这将是一个不断变化的暴徒在一个阵营的行为时,符文滴管或产卵区的基本例子成为热点区域。

10.As well as its control potential it provides fantastic damage mitigation completely cutting out a mobs damage on you.飓风控制可以提供很多的免伤,几乎可以减少一个怪物对你的伤害。