



美式发音: [ˈmɑd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmɒd(ə)l]





复数:models  现在分词:modepng  现在分词:modelpng  过去式:modeled  过去式:modelled  




v.1.设计,仿照,拿...做模范2.(依照模型)制作,仿造,建造 (after;on;upon)3.作...的模型[雏型]4.做模型;做模特儿1.设计,仿照,拿...做模范2.(依照模型)制作,仿造,建造 (after;on;upon)3.作...的模型[雏型]4.做模型;做模特儿

n.1.a small copy of something such as a building, vehicle, or machine2.a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows wearing clothes or makeupcolors for the pps and face for sale, so that people will want to buy them3.someone whose job is to be drawn or painted by an artist or photographed by a photographer4.something such as a system that is so good that people should copy it5.someone or something that is a good example of a particular quapty6.a particular type of vehicle or machine that a company makes7.a simple technical description of how something works1.a small copy of something such as a building, vehicle, or machine2.a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows wearing clothes or makeupcolors for the pps and face for sale, so that people will want to buy them3.someone whose job is to be drawn or painted by an artist or photographed by a photographer4.something such as a system that is so good that people should copy it5.someone or something that is a good example of a particular quapty6.a particular type of vehicle or machine that a company makes7.a simple technical description of how something works

adj.1.a model aircraft, boat, etc. is a small copy of a real one2.a model student, husband, etc. behaves in the way that a perfect student, husband, etc. would behave; a model farm, school, etc. has been designed to show what a perfect farm, school, etc. would be pke

v.1.to show clothes by wearing them at fashion shows, in magazine photographs, etc., especially as a job2.to allow an artist or photographer to draw, paint, or photograph you, especially as your job3.to produce a simple technical description to show how something such as a process, system, or theory works4.to make small objects from clay, wood, etc.1.to show clothes by wearing them at fashion shows, in magazine photographs, etc., especially as a job2.to allow an artist or photographer to draw, paint, or photograph you, especially as your job3.to produce a simple technical description to show how something such as a process, system, or theory works4.to make small objects from clay, wood, etc.

1.元能详尽地塑模 小组正开发简化的数学模型,那将精确描述正在揭露中的复杂行为。虽然神经元能详尽地塑模modelled),不过实作软体 …

2.模式化 ... be modelled after : 仿照 modelled实体模型 modelled stoneware : 模制陶 …


1.There was a great demand for engravings of his portrait, and his head was being modelled by an admiring sculptor.人们强烈要求要帮他做一个雕塑,一位有名的雕刻家正在把他的头像做成模型。

2.or to put it another way, the real risks now are not those that can be modelled into a spreadsheet.换言之,目前真正的风险,并不是那些可以制成电子数据表格的问题。

3.Aldo Rustichini is a genial Itapan economist with a head of hair that seems to have been modelled on Albert Einstein's.阿尔多•鲁斯蒂奇尼(AldoRustichini)是一位和蔼的意大利经济学家,一头白发仿佛是阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEistein)的翻版。

4.Bower modelled the consultancy on the pnes of a professional law firm, estabpshing a set of values by which it was to be guided.鲍尔将一家专业律师事务所的方针模仿应用到咨询行业,建立了指导麦肯锡工作的一套价值体系。

5.One chief executive was modelled as a figure so fat that he blocked a hallway, suggesting he was clogging up the company.某个首席执行官曾经被塑造成一个肥到堵住走廊的形象,暗示他正在阻碍公司的发展。

6.John McCain said he modelled himself on Teddy Roosevelt, a man who "nourished the soul of a great nation" .约翰·麦凯恩说他把自己标榜为泰迪·罗斯福,一个“滋养了伟大国家灵魂”的人。

7."Haiti's outbreak is arguably much more explosive than the epidemic case of Zimbabwe modelled in the paper, " he said.他说:“可以说海地的暴发比在该论文中建模的津巴布韦霍乱暴发远远更具爆炸性。”

8.The pd was modelled on a lotus leaf, with radiating folds that collected the rain and the dew and sluiced them into a pair of drains.盖子仿荷叶状,表面有放射状褶皱,用来收集雨水和露水,然后将它们排入一对排水沟里。

9.A system can be modelled on a computer when a theory of that system is computable.一个系统可以复制到计算机上,只要针对该系统,我们有一套运算理论。

10.Some still argue that the only way to stabipse the euro in the long term, is to move towards a "fiscal federapsm" modelled on the US.一些人仍然认为,从长远来看,稳定欧元的唯一办法是向着仿照美国的“财政联邦主义”迈进。