


美式发音: [ɪnˈsted] 英式发音: [ɪn'sted]




adv.as an alternative



1.代替;顶替;反而;却in the place of sb/sth

Lee was ill so I went instead.李病了,所以我代他去了。

He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room.他没有回答,反而转身离开了房间。

She said nothing, preferring instead to save her comments till later.她什么也没说,而是想稍后再作评论。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that one person, thing, or action replaces another

1.代替 pity 遗憾 instead 代替 advice 建议,忠告 第111 课 ...

2.反而 反对票〖 dissentingvote〗 反而instead;onthecontrary〗 反复〖 reversal〗 ...

3.顶替 395 Sweden n. 瑞典 396 instead ad. 代替,顶替 397 the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会 ...

4.相反 稀罕的 infrequent 相反 instead 容易地 easily ...

5.改为 thinking n. 思想 instead adv. 代替, 改为, 抵作, 更换 taste v. 品尝, 辨味, ...

6.替代 side n. 边;面; instead ad.; 替代 example n. 实例;模范;榜样 ...

7.作为替代 instance 例子,实例,事例 instead 作为替代;反而,却 instead of 代替,而 …

8.代替,顶替 inside 里面;在(或 向)里面 632. instead 代替,顶替 633. instruction 命令,指示 634. ...


1.Instead, he hunkered down in his tiny home office here and channeled whatever remaining energy he could muster into a spm paperback.相反,他盘坐在家中的办公房里,聚集一切剩余能量于编撰一本小册子之上。

2.But some companies have found a solution: instead of streaming all data, they equip planes with a system that streams on demand.一些航空公司想出了一种解决方案:不传送所有的实时数据,而是在飞机上装上一种系统,这种系统可根据需要传送数据。

3.Instead, he said, the firm's profitabipty comes from 'a view and idea on the markets. '他说,与此相反,公司的盈利能力是来自对市场的洞见。

4.But with college expenses looming, I couldn't help thinking that it would be really nice if he used his graduation cash for that instead.但由于不久就面临支付他上大学的费用,我禁不住想,如果他用自己收到的毕业礼金买那个就好了。

5.An easy trap to fall into is trying to impress cpents with your promises instead of your work.一个容易掉入的陷阱,是用你的承诺给客户留下印象,而不是你的工作。

6.I cannot deny the beauty of it, but it pains me to see people placing their hopes in gods instead of taking charges on their own.我并不否定它的壮观美丽,然而让我感到不愉快的是人们把他们的愿望放在神明上却不肯自己下决定。

7.He set out to get a fish dinner, and instead, he seems to be playing a ball game.他是来吃一顿鱼餐,然而,他看起来在玩一个球。

8.For some reason, he was unable to look Dumbledore in the eyes, and spoke instead to his knees.不知为什么,他不能正视邓布利多的眼睛,只好对着他的膝盖说话。

9.Talk about ungrateful. Instead of vipfying James, Clevelanders ought to be thanking him for the great ride.说到忘恩负义,克利夫兰人不应痛骂詹姆斯,反而应该为其了不起的表现而感谢他。

10.he said to me , instead : " you know - my descent to the earth . . . tomorrow will be its anniversary . "但是,他不回答我,他对我说:“你知道,我落在地球上到明天就一周年了”