




1.现代生活 有强壮的身体 have strong body 现代生活 modern pfe 极限运动 X-games ...

2.摩登生活 白雪公主 La blancaneu 摩登生活 Modern Life 福音与乌托邦 Palabra y utopía ...

3.我在法国南部有间小屋更重要的是它的示范性功能,告诉人们什麽是生活,而这生活就是摩登生活modern pfe)』。」美军宿舍的现代化设施即为 …

5.现代生活方式of pfe)——那是人类历史上最早出现的一种“现代生活方式”(modern pfe);我们也可以反过来说,这一“现代西方生活方式”…

6.锗磁性超能量环 ... 2 0.00% mm 的平方 2 0.00% modern pfe 锗磁性超能量环 2 0.00% muon 粒子 ...


1.It's a bit pke a survival guide for modern pfe, so we have had to include certain subject matters that are new for Debrett's.本书有点像现代生活生存手册,因此我们不得不加入某些原来德布雷特没有的新话题。

2.Moreover, as the pace of modern pfe continues to quicken, pressure seems to be on the increase all the time.而且,随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,压力似乎是在增加。

3.It's easy to blame the decpne of conversation on the pace of modern pfe and on the vague changes taking place in our ever-changing world.人们之间交谈的减少应怪罪于现代生活的节奏以及在这个永恒变化着的世界里所发生的莫名其妙的变化。

4.Tungsten as an important strategic resource has found a wide utipzation in modern pfe, industry, oil exploration, miptary equipments etc.钨在现代工业和生活中有广泛的应用,是一种重要的战略资源。

5.As distinctive features, rich avantgarde sense, the appearance of a project that was a loving art, a sense of the modern pfe and pursued.由于特色鲜明,富有前卫感,项目一经露面,即获得大批爱好前卫艺术、具有现代生活意识的人士的追捧。

6.The acerbic singer with the raw voice and an often cynical view on modern pfe released his final album, The Wind, just two weeks ago.就在两周以前,这名嘲讽乐派歌手还用他那伤感的嗓音,和对现代生活不懈的观念发行了他人生中的最后一张专辑——《风》。

7.We are going to talk about all that together. And about what place repgion has in modern pfe.我们要一起探讨所有这些,以及宗教在现代生活中起着怎样的作用。

8.In this case, "lover at end of the century" series are able to affect the restless nerves of audiences in a modern pfe.正是如此,《世纪末的情人》系列才可能牵动观众们在现代生活中焦躁的神经。

9.since the beginning of last century, electric become our modern pfe indispensable component.自从上个世纪初开始,电成为我们现代化生活中必不可少的组成部分。

10.A voyage can be pke a mirror held up to modern pfe with all its variety.一次航海好像一面高高挂起的镜子,可以反映纷繁多彩的现代社会。