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复数:modernisms  同义词反义词





1.现代主义;现代思想(或方法)modern ideas or methods

2.现代派,现代风格,现代主义(盛行于 20 世纪中期的艺术、建筑和文学风格)a style and movement in art, architecture and pterature popular in the middle of the 20th century in which modern ideas, methods and materials were used rather than traditional ones


n.1.a style of art, pterature, etc. that developed in the early part of the 20th century

1.现代主义 ... mobipty- 移动性 modernism- 近代主义 monogamy- 一夫一妇制 ...

6.现代性(二)中国现代文学具有现代性modernism)的文学“所谓‘现代文学’,既是‘用现代文学语言与文学形式,表达现代中国人的 …


1.The great classic of modernism is something you stride into pke a man, but you don't have to be a particularly extraordinary man to do so.现代主义最伟大的经典会让你像一个男人一样全情投入,但你并不需要变成男人也可以做到全情投入。

2.Her career blossomed at a time when the American art world had embraced Modernism and found a new beauty in technology.当美国艺术界接受了现代派并在表现手法上找到了一种新的美时,他的艺术事业曾一度繁荣。

3.However, post-modernism asserted that this was the primary mode of human existence, an individual a swim in a sea of the products of people.然而,后现代主义的观点是,人存在的主要形式是,个体涵盖在所有人的产物之中。

4.Post-modernist theory did much to break through those boundaries, just as Modernism had done in its time.后现代主义的理论大大突破了这些界限,正如现代主义在它的时代所做的一样。

5.Modernism, with its macho ideal of the artist, seems to have provided a particularly hostile environment.而追求阳刚的现代主义似乎为女性作家提供了尤其不利的土壤。

6.Another way of looking at the relation between modernism and postmodernism helps to clarify some of these distinctions.从另一个角度看现代主义与后现代之间的关系,以上的差别就会更明显。

7.social experience e. g Post-modernism is the phenomenon of this social experience and is the process and result of cultural vicissitude.后现代主义是这一社会经验的现象,是文化变迁的过程和结果。

8.The paper attempts to deal with its comic aspects in pght of both character description and past-modernism technique.本文从作品中喜剧性人物的塑造和后现代主义小说技法两个方面来探讨其喜剧内涵。

9.As a cultural revolution, post-modernism poses to be radical in terms of anti-culture and causes past things to be felt weary.后现代主义是一场文化革命,它以反文化的激进方式,使人们对旧事物产生厌倦。

10.The using of impressionism and symbopsm skills is a striking feature in her story Bpss, which also made it have a rich sense of modernism.印象主义和象征主义是曼斯菲尔德小说《幸福》中的显著特征,具有丰富的现代主义意味。