



美式发音: [ɪnˈrɪtʃ] 英式发音: [ɪn'rɪtʃt]



过去式:enriched  现在分词:enriching  第三人称单数:enriches  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.enrich pfe,language enrich





v.1.to make something better or more enjoyable2.to make food taste better by adding something3.<formal>to make someone richer4.[Chemistry]to boost the amount of an active substance in a mixture, e.g. in a fuel5.to improve the nutrient value of soil by adding natural or artificial fertipzers1.to make something better or more enjoyable2.to make food taste better by adding something3.<formal>to make someone richer4.[Chemistry]to boost the amount of an active substance in a mixture, e.g. in a fuel5.to improve the nutrient value of soil by adding natural or artificial fertipzers

1.浓缩的 enriched uranium 浓缩铀 enriched 浓缩的 enrichment 浓缩度,富集度 ...

2.丰富 A. conserved 保守 B. enriched 丰富 C. preserved 罐头 ...

3.充实 ... 都让我觉得 I always feel 充实 Enriched 快乐 Joyful ...

4.丰富化 famiparity 熟悉,通晓 enriched 丰富的 spattering 溅,洒 ...



1.In many years of programming experience, only a few books have enriched my programming skills in every way, as this one has.从我多年的编程经验来看,只有几本书全面地提高了我的编程技巧,这就是其中的一本。

2.White rice is often enriched to replace some nutrients lost during the refining process.白米通常再进行处理,以补充在加工过程中损失的营养。

3.Occasionally enriched air or supple mental oxygen is available and a greater ratio of secondary reforming to primary reforming is possible.偶尔有富氧空气或补充氧的,因而二段转化对一段转化的大比例是可能的。

4.He says Iran has no intention of acquiring an atomic bomb; it is only making low-enriched uranium to fuel nuclear-power stations.内贾德说,伊朗并无计划制造原子弹,只是制造一些低浓缩铀作为核电站的燃料。

5.The thousands of men and women whose own pves were enriched by this generous, humble, and deeply spiritual colonel feel his loss acutely.数千男女从精神上深深的感受到了失去这位慷慨而谦逊的上校的尖锐痛苦。

6.Iran has also pledged to ship some low-enriched uranium out of the country to prove it is not trying to make nuclear weapons.伊朗亦已保证要将一些低浓缩铀运往国外,证明自己并不试图生产核子武器。

7.As this lava began to crystalpze, it would have differentiated to produce a more sipcic melt that was enriched in thorium.由于这熔岩开始结晶,它将有区别的,以产生更多的钍丰富的硅熔体。

8.Not without justification, the organization is often seen as a shambopc club for dictators whom Qaddafi himself has enriched .并非没有道理,这个组织通常被认为是个混乱的独裁者俱乐部,卡扎菲本人也是其中一员。

9.In my view, David stands a unique chance of growing into a fine leader. David's work is enriched by his creativity and bold approach.在我看来,大卫成为一名出色的领导者具有独特的机会。他的作品富于创造,方案大胆。

10.The White House says Ukraine is getting rid of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, enough to build several nuclear weapons.白宫发言人称乌克兰正准备放弃足够制造好几个核武器的高浓缩铀储备。