


美式发音: [ˈmɑmbə] 英式发音: [ˈmæmbə]






1.树眼镜蛇,曼巴蛇(黑色或绿色,分布于非洲,有剧毒)a black or green poisonous African snake


n.1.a large poisonous black or green African snake

1.曼巴 兰格雷( Langley) 曼巴(非洲毒蛇)( Mamba) 午夜( Midnight) ...

2.树眼镜蛇 strychnine n. 马钱子碱 286 mamba n. 树眼镜蛇 287 cobra n. 眼镜蛇 288 ...

3.曼巴蛇 ... 罗曼语族 línguas românicas 曼巴属 mamba 曼怛罗 mantra ...

8.非洲产毒蛇 ... strychnine 番木鳖碱 mamba 非洲产毒蛇 cobra 眼镜蛇 ...


1.In contrast, Mamba, a 35-year-old farmer in Malawi, has no desire to leave his village despite droughts and periods of acute hunger.不同的是,35岁的马拉维农民Mamba不愿离开他的村子,尽管那里发生了干旱和严重的饥荒。

2.Unfortunately, antivenin is still not widely available in the rural parts of the mamba's range, and mamba-related deaths remain frequent.不幸的是,在黑曼巴活动的山区依然无法普遍使用这种抗毒血清,而有黑曼巴导致的死亡依然很频繁。

3.black mamba, you ready to join my trophy world?准备好成为我的战利品了吗?

4.Once a Mamba was found with a parrot in its stomach, another with a full grown Forest Cobra!一经一个非洲产毒蛇与它的胃的一只鹦鹉一起发现,另外的由于一条完整的长大森林眼镜蛇!更详细。

5.Many snake experts have cited the Black Mamba as the world's most aggressive snake, actively aggressive and attacking without provocation.许多蛇专家指出黑曼巴是世界上最具有侵略性的蛇,争强好斗,在没有挑衅的条件下也会攻击。

6.When in the striking position, the Black Mamba flattens its neck, hisses very loudly, and displays its inky black mouth and deadly fangs.当黑曼巴要发起攻击时,它伸出脖子,发出响亮的嘶嘶声,露出他黑漆漆的嘴还有那致命的牙齿。

7.The Itapan energy firm ENI last month announced two major finds in the Mamba South gas fields off Mozambique's northeastern coast.意大利能源公司埃尼上个月宣布说,在莫桑比克东北部沿海南梦巴发现了两座巨型天然气田。

8.Basically your standard Fortwo, with the added bonus of Mamba's signature and "Kobe Edition" written on the hood.基本上你的标准Fortwo,在引擎盖上加装了曼巴蛇灵感的附加品,及“科比”的签名。

9.As Bryant said at the end of "Black Mamba, " his recent short film by Nike, "Arrivederci. "就像科比在耐克新广告《黑曼巴》结尾用意大利语说的那句:再会。

10.With the Green Mamba and the Copperhead, you're guaranteed a smooth fast ride every time again.以绿色和马姆巴盈科的,你保证一个平稳快速,每坐一次。