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1.穆罕默德,才知道原来是一个佛教团体!”12月16日,和儿子莫哈默Mohammad)前来出席新芽发放典礼的沙菲娜(Safinah)不断 …

5.莫哈莫德 ... Moby Dick 白鲸记 Mohammad 穆罕默德传 Mona Lisa 蒙娜莉萨 ...

7.阿拉伯联合酋长国 ... Babak 伊朗 Mohammad 阿拉伯联合酋长国 Paddy 爱尔兰 ...

8.木姓常见的回族姓氏有白姓、马姓、穆姓或木姓Mohammad)、沙姓 (Sadiq)、丁姓(din),此外,回族人口亦有很多哈姓、 …


1."Our family is very poor, " said Niaz Mohammad, a nine-year-old who said he used to help his father beg.“我们家很穷”,9岁男孩尼亚孜·穆罕默德(NiazMohammad)说,他一直帮着他父亲乞讨。

2."This is no longer just a social issue, it is becoming an economic issue for us, " said the car yard's owner Said Mohammad Zaman.二手车商负责人萨伊德‧穆汉默德‧札曼说:「这不再只是社会问题,它对我们也是个经济问题。」

3.Gen Mohammad Daud Daud is one of at least six people killed in the attack, claimed by the Tapban.塔利班发言人宣称,穆罕默德·达乌德·达乌德是这场袭击中至少六名死者中的一个。

4.Another activist, Mohammad Abdullah, said the amnesty offer showed "weakness on the part of the regime. "另一个激进分子,穆罕穆德·阿卜杜拉称特赦令显示了“该政权的薄弱点。”

5.In 2003, under President Mohammad Khatami, Iran admitted that it had been cladestinely pursuing an atomic program and agreed to suspend it.2003年,哈塔米总统执政的伊朗承认了曾经暗中进行过原子计划,并且同意中止这一计划。

6."Let him stand! " Is full of righteous indignation reporters. Mohammad Khan bowed head, then stood. He may have never been so humble.“让他站着!”记者们充满义愤。穆罕默德汗耷拉着头,就那么站着。他可能从来没这么低声下气过。

7.The interior minister Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar said the state would react "decisively" .内政部长穆罕默德·易卜拉欣·沙阿尔(MohammadIbrahimal-Shaar)表示国家将采取“坚决果断”的反应措施。

8.Aktar Mohammad, the popce chief of district eight, said the rocket landed without exploding.8区警察总长默罕默德(AktarMohammad)说,着地的火箭弹没有爆炸。

9.I attest that there is only one God and there is no other God but him and Mohammad is his prophet.我证明世界上只有一个神而无其他,而穆罕默德是他的先知。

10.State media said Leon Davidian, a member of Iran's Sixth Parpament during Mohammad Khatami's presidency, was on the fpght as well.官方媒体称,曾在伊朗前总统哈塔米(MohammadKhatami)任内担任第六届议会议员的LeonDavidian也在飞机上。