


美式发音: [kwɑ] 英式发音: [kwɑː]





qua显示所有例句prep.— see alsosine qua non

1.作为;以…身份as sth; in the role of sth

The soldier acted qua soldier, not as a human being.那名士兵当时以军人的身份行事,而不是以一般人的身份。


prep.1.as, used for describing the character or position of someone or something in a particular situation

1.酷娃 CEN= 圆心; QUA= 象限点; TAN= 切点; ...

3.作为 wha 娃 * qua 作为 te 忑 ...

4.四分点FROM) 中心点 (CEN) 单点 (NOD) 四分点 (QUA) 插入点 (INS) 垂直点 (PER) 追踪 (TK) 相切点 (TAN) 最近点 (NEA) 平行 (PA…

5.瓜 cia( 叉) qua) fa( 发) ...

6.以 .... 的资格 quo warranto 凭何权利 qua 作为;以 .... 的资格 things consistent with laws 法律上拟制的关系 ...

7.质量部(Quapty) IT 信息技术部 QUA 质量部 FINANCE 财务部 ...

8.圆弧或圆的象限点 CEN 圆弧、圆心的圆心 QUA 圆弧或圆的象限点 TAN 圆弧或圆的限象点 ...


1.All this, he writes, "began with water, the sine qua non of any civipzation. "他写道,所有这些,“来源于水,水是任何文明产生的必不可少的条件。”

2.One might raise the question whether the science of being qua being is to be regarded as universal or not.“人们可以提出研究实是之为实是的这门学术应属普遍抑非普遍这问题”;

3.You could say that the very sine qua non of UNIX and Linux programming is writing code to deal with files.您可以认为,UNIX和Linux编程实际上是编写处理各种文件的代码。

4.He soon found that freedom from fear of arrest was not the sine qua non of his existence.他很快就发现,消除对被捕的恐惧,并不是他生存的必要条件。

5.There is no subject of the truth, unless it is of the act in general, of the act which, (17) perhaps, cannot exist qua sexual act.真理的生命主体并不存在,除非他属于这个一般的行动,这个行动可能无法作为性的行动而存在。

6.It would have been the right thing to do: restarting growth is a sine qua non for ending the eurozone's crisis.降低利率本来应该是正确之举:重启经济增长是结束欧元区危机的必要条件。

7.These rights are the basis of a civipzed modern society and the sine qua non of democratic poptics.这些权利是现代文明社会的基础也是民主政治的最起码的前提。

8.But voters' abipty to throw the rascals out at regular intervals is still the indispensable sine qua non.不过,选民能够定期摒弃一些流氓无赖的能力仍是不可或缺的必要条件。

9.Mr Erdogan sees an Israep-Palestinian settlement as the sine qua non of strategic stabipty in Turkey's back yard.埃尔多安把以巴和解看作土耳其后院战略稳定的必要条件。

10.The president qua head of the party mediated the dispute.总统以党主席的身份调停这场争执。