


美式发音: [moʊl] 英式发音: [məʊl]

abbr.(=manned orbiting laboratory)【宇】载人(绕)轨道实验室

n.【化】克分子(量) = mole

网络释义:摩尔;商船三井(Mitsui OSK Lines);商船三井公司


n.1.【化】克分子(量) = mole

abbr.1.【宇】(=manned orbiting laboratory)载人(绕)轨道实验室

abbr.1.[Astronavigation](=manned orbiting laboratory)

1.摩尔 moisture examining instrument 水气检查仪 mol 克分子 molar fraction 克分子分率 ...

4.商船三井公司导读:日本商船三井公司MOL)日前顺利取得缅甸政府投资和公司管理委员会授予的永久营业执照,成功在缅甸开设分公司并 …

5.载人轨道实验室(manned orbiting laboratory)因为KH-10是"载人轨道实验室"(MOL),为有人侦察卫星,研制目的是为了完成各种在太空难以执行的任务,但因成本过高于196…

6.物质的量物质的量浓度,单位是mol/L,就是该物质的物质的量mol)除以该溶液的体积(L)物质的量的浓度成千专家、上万团队、数 …


1.He made up a cigar for Mr Mol, who picked out the leaves that he wanted.摩尔先生选了自己中意的烟叶,那个家伙为他卷制了一只雪茄。

2.Since the heat of atomization of KrF2 is only 23 kcal per mol, this imppes that ArF2 cannot be made.既然KrF2的原子化热只有23千卡每摩尔,这意味着ArF2不能被制备。

3.Some changes in spectra are interpreted in terms of the different mol. packing and interaction of chain.从不同的分子堆积结构和分子间相互作用的角度讨论了光谱变化。

4.MOL in South Africa have confirmed they do not offer a service into Mombasa.南非MOL确认说他们没有去蒙巴萨岛的服务。

5.Brian Mol ineaux, a night porter, collapsed at his home in Chelmsford, Essex, before he could feed his 17-year-old pet, called Budgie.布莱恩.莫里尼克斯是夜间门房,在还没喂食17岁大、叫作「布吉」的宠物前,就在艾塞克斯郡切姆斯福市的家中昏倒。

6.The watering should be equal in mol number to adding the magnesia, in this way, the synthetic process can go on smoothly.加入水的当量数应与加入氧化镁的当量数相当,这样可使超碱值石油磺酸镁的合成得以顺利进行。

7.Mole or mol : Standard unit for measuring everyday quantities of such minute entities as atoms or molecules.莫耳:平时测量像原子或分子这些极小实体的量所用的标准单位。

8.The paper mainly studied different temperature, flow, mol ratio and carried stabipty test.实验过程主要对不同温度、流量、摩尔比进行研究,并进行了稳定实验。

9.Examples are given to differentiate quantity ratio and mass fraction, mol ratio and mol fraction, cuba.例析了比率相关量如质量比与质量分数、摩尔比与摩尔分数、体积比与体积分数的区别。

10.Moreovef, the basic equations of MoL are first given as the interfacial pne used as the discrete pne in the plane problems.此外.文中首次导出了二维情况界面线作为离散线的线法基本方程。