




1.莫尔纳 翼航; EHANG 莫奈儿; MOLNAR 六福典雅; DIAM ART ...


5.摩纳父亲:“摩纳”(Molnar)B94-5019742,一羽超级种雄,作育子代战绩: 3° 全省 + 85° 全国 达克斯 ‘02 28° 全国 波尔多‘97 36° 全 …

6.莫尔纳尔莫尔纳尔 (Molnar)


1.It was one of the very first things Molnar tested once he tried the tree approach.Molnar在尝试这种树方法时,首先对这一点进行了测试。

2."If you tend to have strong bonds with people, good family pfe, good friendships, you tend to be healthier, " Molnar said.莫纳尔说:“如果你有牢固的人际关系、美妙的家庭生活、深厚的友情,你会更加健康。”

3.For Donna Molnar and her family in Ancaster, Canada, Christmas is a time of joy compromised by tragedy.对居住在加拿大斯特的唐纳.莫尔纳一家来说,圣诞节的欢乐总会被悲剧气氛笼罩。

4.So when Molnar went missing last Friday, there was a terrible foreboding of history repeating itself.上周五莫尔纳的失踪,让人们有一种不祥的预感,是否历史的悲剧还将继续上演。

5.'It's a bit much for me, ' said, Mate Molnar a 28-year-old computer-programmer from Budapest.来自布达佩斯的28岁电脑程序员马泰-莫尔纳(MateMolnar)说,我有点接受不了。

6.And then on Monday afternoon, almost three full days after Molnar went missing, something extraordinary happened.周一下午,也就是莫尔纳失踪已整整三天的时候,发生了意想不到的事。

7.An obscure Fidesz MP, Oszkar Molnar, complained last month about "Jewish capital wanting to devour Hungary" .该党议员OszkarMolnar上月抱怨表示,“犹太人资本想毁灭匈牙利”。

8."There's something about an entry form that makes you accountable, " says Molnar.这是一个登记形式,目的是让你对自己负责。

9.We know social support is a huge indicator of physical health.Molnar说:我们知道社会支持是健康状况的一个重大指标。

10."Not everyone is super fit, " says Molnar.“没有哪个人是超级符合的,”Molnar说。