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网络释义:妈妈站;妈妈俱乐部;Method Of Manipulation Secrets

复数:moms  同义词




n.1.your mother. The British word is mum2网站屏蔽ed for talking to your own mother. The British word is mum

1.妈妈 tennis n. 网球运动 moms n. 妈妈 kisser n. 接吻的人 ...

2.妈妈站 活动 Events 妈妈站 Moms 合作组织 Partners ...

3.妈妈俱乐部容纳更多的学生。山庄的妈妈俱乐部Moms)有300名父母参加,这是一个组织小孩活动的团体,提供线上讨论,传达相关 …

4.Method Of Manipulation Secrets M.O.L. 东方语言硕士 MOMS 密西根数学系统 M.P.A. 公共事务硕士 ...

6.机械开关 美斯特伦 Great 乐奇宝贝 4 moms 康贝儿 Kindbear ...

8.宠物女孩项链 Let’s Go 快拆式自行车宠物篮 MoMS 宠物女孩项链 crazypaws 疯狂爪子 宠物餐垫 ...


1.A quick caveat, before you hit me with a rolled-up Ms. magazine: I don't really think stay-at-home dads are better than stay-at-home moms.在你卷起的一本《女士》杂志打我之前,快速警告你一声:其实我并不认为家庭主男比家庭主妇母亲好。

2.Demanding tiger moms, he said, might not be very supportive of their kids dropping out of school.他说,要求高的虎妈妈们可能不会太支持孩子辍学。

3.''Kids do better with stay-at-home moms, It would be so much less stressful, ''妈妈待在家里带出来的孩子会比较好,而且这样压力也比较小。

4.The debate about working moms is often conducted as if the only group affected were guilt-ridden high-income college-educated women.关于职业女性母亲的讨论一直都有。看起来参与这个话题的只是那些充满内疚的高收入高学历妇女。

5.I suspect it might have been a selfish thing at first -- why should moms have all the fun, after all?我怀疑开始时这种转变可能出自爸爸们自私的感受——无论如何,凭什么只有母亲应该拥有与孩子在一起的一切乐趣?

6.When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy.每当有母亲因为孩子体重、健康问题来找我时,我通常所做的第一件事就是告诉他们别再给孩子喝牛奶了。

7.For many of you, your first instinct was to call home and let your moms and dads know that you were okay.你们中的很多人,灾难结束的那一时刻,最先想到的是往家里打个电话通知爸爸妈妈们你们没事。

8.She was one of the few stay-at-home moms in Ramsey Hill and was famously averse to speaking well of herself or ill of anybody else.她是拉姆齐山为数不多的几个全职妈妈之一,出了名的不喜欢说自己的好话,也同样出了名的不喜欢说别人的坏话。

9.Today's soccer moms are faced with a number of challenges that soccer moms of yesterday did not have to deal with.如今的“足球妈妈”们面临着之前妈妈们所没有碰到过的大量挑战。

10.I just found a new social media site targeting moms for Samsung, specifically for the company's extensive pne of washers and dryers.我刚发现一个新媒体网站,目标为使用三星产品的妈妈们,具体产品为该公司的延展线洗衣机和烘干机。