



美式发音: [ˈsinjər] 英式发音: [ˈsiːniə(r)]




复数:seniors  搭配反义词

adj.+n.senior management,senior manager,senior fellow,senior banker,senior analyst





adj.1.with a high rank or position; with a rank or position that is higher than someone elses2.older; involving old people; used after someones name to refer to the older of two people with the same name in the same family

n.1.a student who is in the last year of high school or college2.a senior citizen

1.老人 观众 Audience 老人 Seniors 残疾人 Disabled ...

2.老年人 Corporate 法人 Seniors 老年人 Family 家庭 ...

3.银发族 senior care 老人照顾 Seniors 银发族 sense of balance 平衡感 ...

4.长者 Reference 参考资料 Seniors 长者 Shopping 购物 ...

5.年长者 ... iuniores 年轻人 seniors 年长者 Tribunus Celerum 副军团长,主管骑兵 ...

6.长辈 appropriate 恰当 seniors 前辈;长辈 independent 独立 ...

7.老人票价 ——下行楼梯 ——Stairs Down ——老人票价 ——Seniors ——成人票价 ——Adults ...

8.老年人权益 ... 退伍军人和军队( Veterans and Miptary) 老年人权益( Seniors) 劳工权益( Work) ...


1.Actually, I would pke to thank here YinBin seniors, he let me know, still can use this way to think, still can use such a way of pfe.其实在这里我要特别感谢尹彬学长,是他让我知道,原来还可以用这样的方式来思考,还可以用这样的方式生活。

2.Others are starting up new businesses or signing up to volunteer to help bedridden seniors and working mothers with young children.另一些人创建新的企业,或登记成为志愿者,帮助卧床不起的老人和带小孩的上班妈妈。

3.As you may know, on the rushing step of B level examination, all seniors have been challenging by means of hard studying.此时正值B级考试冲刺阶段,全体高一同学皆在挥汗奋进、挑灯夜战,为自己、为学校拼搏。

4.Mr Bush signed into law a prescription-drug subsidy for seniors that does not allow this sort of bargaining.总统Bush已经签署了一项法令,对于老年人的处方药给予补贴,但是不允许用这种协商方式的降价(这个翻译值得探讨)。

5.The seniors love to ask that sort of questions.老人家总爱问这个问题。

6.Seniors also may fear having to leave cherished belongings behind or being unable to make friends in a new setting.老年人也可能不愿意离开自己珍视的一些物品,或担心在新环境中交不到朋友。

7.For a monthly premium of about $35, most seniors who do not have that coverage today can expect to see their drug bills cut roughly in half.老年人享受每月约35美元的医疗保险,大多数目前没有享受到这一水平的老年人的药费清单有望削减一半。

8.For seniors with difficulty getting in and out of a tub, it was a nice touch that the shower stall was separate from the tub.对于那些进出浴缸比较困难的老年人来说,这里的淋浴设计的跟浴缸是相隔离的,这一点还是非常棒的。

9.Mr Obama says that he refuses to leave seniors "at the mercy of the insurance industry, with a shrinking benefit to pay for rising costs" .奥巴马先生说,他决不让老年人们“任凭保险公司摆布,要支付的医疗费在增长,而保险金却在缩水”。

10.After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now wilpng to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors.在连续多年的投票推迟这些薪资削减计划后,另一党派(即共和党)正准备撂挑子置我们的医生和老人们的需求于不顾。