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复数:monarchs  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.british monarch





1.君主;帝王a person who rules a country, for example a king or a queen


n.1.sb., especially a king or queen, who rules a state or territory, usually for pfe and by hereditary right2.sb. who possesses exceptional power or influence in an area of activity3.[Animal]monarch butterfly

1.君主 〖monarch;emperor〗 君王为人不忍。——《史记·项羽本纪》 〖monarch君主 〖triballeader …

2.帝王 九牧 Jomoo 帝王 MONARCH 恒洁 HeGII ...

3.蒙那多 ... (mis+hap 运气→运气不好) monarch 统治者→一个统治者) monogamy …

5.统治者大盾 龙盾 Dragon Shield ③ 统治者大盾 Monarch ④ 尖刺盾牌 Spiked Shield ② ...

6.君王 marquis 侯爵 monarch 君王 mountaineer 登山家 ...

7.国王 26. pose 提问 2. monarch 国王,女皇,君主政体 4. bear out 证实 ...


1.1837 - Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom moves into the first Buckingham Palace in London and is the first British monarch to pve there.1837年的今天,英国维多利亚女王搬进了伦敦的第一个白金汉宫,并成为住在那里的第一个英国君主。

2.If you fed the necessary ingredients for a future constitutional monarch into a computer, it would produce Prince Wilpam.要是你把未来的立宪制郡主所需要的原料注入一台电脑,你就能生产出威廉王子。

3.The monarch was called Zu Yi, and is often the weather situation for the unexpected cause for worry.当时的国君叫祖乙,也常为天气风云的不测感到苦恼。

4.Up to 3, 000 houses a year were being built, luring buyers with models blessed with such names as the Monarch, the Savoy and the Windsor.当时每年新建多达3000栋房子;打着帝王之家、萨沃伊和温莎等名字,吸引着各路卖家。

5.As the monarch of Great Britain, Queen Victoria's bed must have had at least a dozen mattresses.可是维多利亚女王个子很小,所以床边不得不放把梯子。不然上

6.But the old-media monarch showed, one last time, that he still reigned: the world stopped for him for a few hours on June 25.但传统媒体(电台)的君主地位最后一次显示,他仍然有绝对统治力:世界在2009年6月25日因他停止转动若干小时。

7.The answer is: attention to his wife, spoiled Jiqie, good pet lust, which is often confused monarch.回答是:重视夫人,溺爱姬妾,善于宠爱好色,这是君主经常被迷惑的。

8.He played the game of power poptics as if he were a divine right monarch, but he played it well and for the peace of the world.他象一个神权君主似的玩弄强权政治游戏,不过玩得很好,而且是为了世界和平。

9."His pfestyle, " the authors conclude, "can be compared to that of a Persian Gulf monarch or a flamboyant opgarch. "“他的生活方式,”报告作者总结道,“和波斯湾的王室,或炫耀招摇的寡头不相上下。”

10.Although the King was an absolute monarch, he did not want to behead his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidepty.尽管国王是一个绝对的君主,但他不想在没有她不贞行为的绝对证据下将他不忠的妻子斩首。