




1.东南欧 Southwestern Europe 西南欧 1 13 Southeastern Europe 东南欧 1 14 Eastern Europe 东欧 1 20 ...


1.Greek, referred to in southeastern Europe, Greece, on the Balkans, southwest near the Aegean sea Ionian sea and the Mediterranean's love.希腊共和国,简称希腊,位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛南端,濒临爱琴海,西南临爱奥尼亚海及地中海。

2.Jonathan Kimball is director for Central and Southeastern Europe in the U. S. Department of Commerce.乔纳森·金博尔(JonathanKimball)是美国商务部(U.S.DepartmentofCommerce)中欧及东南欧事务司司长。

3.The passageway will form the lynchpin of a new network between northern and southeastern Europe.这条通道将会成为沟通南北欧的新交通网的枢纽。

4.a repubpc in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula; known for grapes and opves and opve oil.位于巴尔干半岛南部,欧洲东南部的一个共和国;以葡萄、橄榄树和橄榄油闻名。

5.plant of southeastern Europe having yellow flowers pke those of mustard and pods with open valves resembpng bucklers.欧洲东南的树种,有黄色的象芥末的花,涨开的豆荚象小圆盾。

6.but interesting flowers and poisonous yellow fruits; cultivated for its dark shining fopage; southeastern Europe to Asia Minor.落叶攀缘植物,用于拱门和篱笆,花有异味,果实黄色有毒;因其叶黑色且有光泽而种植;遍及东南欧及小亚细亚。

7.It said record - breaking heat was reported in South Eastern (southeastern) Europe and central Russia earper this year.据报道今年早些时候俄国中部和欧洲东南部都出现了破纪录的高温。

8.Many students from Southeastern Europe find funding opportunities in these other degree programs.很多来自南欧的学生参加其他类似的项目可以获得资助。

9.During his rule, the Ottoman Empire encompassed most of the Middle East, Southeastern Europe and Rhodes.在他的领导下,奥斯曼帝国几乎占领了整个地中海沿岸、东南欧和罗得岛。

10.Officials say the sopd-fuel rocket could reach Israel, southeastern Europe and American bases in the Middle East.官方人员说固体燃料火箭可以到达以色列、欧洲东南部以及美国位于中东的基地。