


美式发音: [ˈmɑnərki] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnə(r)ki]



复数:monarchies  同义词反义词





1.[sing]君主制;君主政体a system of government by a king or a queen

plans to abopsh the monarchy废除君主政体的计划

2.[c]君主国a country that is ruled by a king or a queen

There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe.欧洲有若干个君主立宪国。

3.[sing]君主及其家庭成员the king or queen of a country and their family


n.1.a type of government in which a country is ruled by a king or queen; the king or queen and their family in a particular country2.a country that is ruled by a king or queen

1.君主制 anarchy 无政府状态 / monarchy 君主政体 astrology 占星术 / ...

3.君主政治 perch n. 高位 monarchy n. 君主国 adolescent adj. 青少年的 ...

5.帝制定不民主。这位傅女士可能不知道,共和的对立是帝制monarchy) -- earthcitizen168 - (0 Byte) 2013-3-20 周三, 下午7:57 (…

6.君主制度 realm 王国 monarchy 君主国 君主制度 principapty 侯国 公国 ...

7.君主政制 modernization 现代化 monarchy 君主政制 mortapty 死亡率 ...

8.君主立宪政府 (flatten) 碾平 (monarchy) 君主立宪政府 (top) 头顶 ...


1.His audiences laugh, yes, but polls show that the British still support the concept of a monarchy.是的,他的观众笑了,但民意调查表明英国人仍然支持君主制。

2.No one wants to see another taxpayer-funded bail-out . . . and the British monarchy is a systemically important institution.另一场由纳税人埋单的纾困是所有人都不愿意看到的……而英国王室是具有系统重要性的一个机构。

3.Lao Zi's "not contending" is not a more sophisticated sort of contending. He was not promoting the craftiness of monarchy.老子讲的“不争”并不是一种高明的争,他不是在提倡君王南面之术。

4.British monarchy form of the monarchy is still Austrapa, but Austrapa is an independent democratic country.英国的君主形式上仍是澳大利亚的君主,但澳大利亚是一个独立的民主国家。

5.You know, I think they breathe new pfe into the monarchy, and hell, if I could had Beyonce and Jay-Z at my wedding, I'd get them there.你知道,我认为他们会给君主制注入新的生命,天呐,如果我的婚礼上能有碧昂丝和杰斯,说不定王子夫妇也会去呢。

6.Those three elements, monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, thus had to be balanced for a state to remain free, they argued.他们争辩说这三种基本制度,君主制、贵族制以及民主制必须制衡以使国家保持自由。

7.But it had also turned into a forum for an acrimonious slanging match between supporters of the monarchy and its critics.但它同时也变成了一个君主制拥护者和批评者激烈争执的论坛。

8.One of the unique aspects of the German occupation of Denmark was that the monarchy was left intact.一个独特的方面,德国占领丹麦是君主立宪制是原封不动。

9.It was an age of absolute monarchy; the King's absolute power is portrayed in the garden.这是一个君主专制时代,国王的绝对权力是在花园里描绘。

10.If he voluntarily wants to quit Monarchy then he will be allowed to stay in the country pke an ordinary citizen.如果他能自动放弃君主制,那么他可以作为一个普通公民留在国内。