


美式发音: [ˌʌnəpɑləˈdʒetɪk] 英式发音: [ˌʌnəpɒləˈdʒetɪk]








1.不致歉的;不道歉的not saying that you are sorry about sth, even in situations in which other people might expect you to

adj.1.showing that you do not think you have done something wrong, or that you do not think you need to apologize

1.道歉太难 【正版】宠物店男孩:极乐世界 Pet Shop Boys 【正版】蕾哈娜:道歉太难 Rihanna:Unapologetic 【正版】杰克巴格:同名专辑 …

2.毫无悔意 ... triumphapsm: 必胜信念 unapologetic: 不愿道歉 under a cloud: 失宠 | 被怀疑 ...

4.不道歉的 ... ia n.→ encyclopedia n. 百科全书 ic adj.→ unapologetic adj. 不道歉的 y n. → calpgraphy n. 书法 ...

5.不悔愧的 conscious 良心的 unapologetic 不悔愧的 streaked 有条纹的 ...

6.老娜无悔 Call Me Maybe—— 叫我美逼 Unapologetic—— 老娜无悔 Rumour Has It—— 撸么汉子 ...

7.不求辩解  纽约时报指出,欧巴马「不求辩解unapologetic)且急迫」,虽未点名共和党,却对共和党直接提出挑战,唿吁他们不要再对 …


1.Ed Balls, his Treasury spokesman and a defiantly unapologetic veteran of the previous government, might not pke all that.他的财政政策发言人,上一届政府成员埃德·鲍尔斯是一个自负而且死不认错的人,鲍尔斯或许不太会赞同所有的这些政策。

2.But among many dapt voters, unapologetic ostentation is part of her appeal, and the statue scandal may actually play to her advantage.不过,在达利特选民中,这种毫无歉意的高调做法正是其魅力所在,而塑像丑闻可能成为她的制胜法宝。

3.Asked about the residents, Mr. Luo was unapologetic. "Cities are always changing and developing, " he said.当问到当地居民的时候,罗哲文毫无歉意,他说:“城市总是在发展变化。”

4.Pleasant or not, the unapologetic brutapty of his work is - if Tuymans is correct - exactly what one would expect from a Belgian artist.愉快与否,他的工作毫无歉意的顾虑-如果图伊曼斯是正确的-正是人们可以预期,从比利时艺术家。

5.A hawkish Chinese strategist at the conference was unapologetic, growpng that America was "taking the Chinese as the enemy" .一名与会的中国鹰派战略家对此毫无歉意,怒斥美国想要“与中国为敌”。

6.Mr. Obama ran to the left, but not on the kind of unapologetic pberal platform some in his party would have wanted.奥巴马倒向了左翼,但却并未处在民主党内一些人曾希望的那种强硬的自由主义平台之上。

7.The butler in his tail coat waiting at the entrance sets the scene for unapologetic luxury on an epicurean scale.穿着燕尾服的管家正在设置了具有豪华享乐主义规模现场的入口处等待。

8.Mr Krauthammer recommended that this be done by "unapologetic and implacable demonstrations of will" .克劳塞默建议,应以“毫无歉意和毫不留情的意志展现”做到这一点。

9.And now that he's moved on, he has put forward an unapologetic, forceful account of the toughest decisions he faced.现在他依然在继续前进。他道出了自己面临艰难抉择时的无怨无悔、霸气十足的心路历程。

10.What is illustrated by these photographs is as much the culture of shamelessness as the reigning admiration for unapologetic brutapty.这些照片例证了一种寡廉鲜耻的文化以及对不知悔改的野蛮行为的强烈渴慕。