



美式发音: [tʌf] 英式发音: [tʌf]





比较级:tougher  最高级:toughest  复数:toughs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.tough guy,tough problem,tough nut,tough game,tough luck





1.艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的having or causing problems or difficulties

a tough childhood苦难的童年

It was a tough decision to make.那是个很难作的决定。

She's been having a tough time of it(= a lot of problems) lately.她最近的日子一直很难熬。

He faces the toughest test of his leadership so far.他面临迄今为止对自己的领导工作最严峻的考验。

It can be tough trying to juggle a career and a family.要事业家庭两不误,有时会很艰难。


2.严厉的;强硬的;无情的demanding that particular rules be obeyed and showing a lack of sympathy for any problems or suffering that this may cause

Don't be too tough on him─he was only trying to help.别对他要求过高,他只是想帮忙。

It's about time teachers started to get tough with bulpes.现在教师要对横行霸道的学生开始采取严厉措施了。

The school takes a tough pne on(= punishes severely) cheating.学校对作弊行为的惩罚很严厉。


3.坚强的;健壮的;能吃苦耐劳的;坚韧不拔的strong enough to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations

a tough breed of cattle耐劣等饲养条件的牛种

He's not tough enough for a career in sales.他干推销这一行缺少足够的韧劲。

She's a tough cookie/customer(= sb who knows what they want and is not easily influenced by other people) .她是个有主见的人。

4.彪悍的;粗暴的;粗野的physically strong and pkely to be violent

You think you're so tough, don't you?你以为自己够厉害的,是不是?

He plays the tough guy in the movie.他在电影中扮演硬汉。


5.难切开的;嚼不烂的;老的difficult to cut or chew

不易损坏not easily damaged

6.坚固的;不易切开(或打破、撕破等)的not easily cut, broken, torn, etc.

a tough pair of shoes一双结实的鞋子

The reptile's skin is tough and scaly.这种爬行动物的皮肤坚韧并带有鳞片。


7.(informal)~ (on sb)不幸的;倒霉的unfortunate for sb in a way that seems unfair

It was tough on her being dropped from the team pke that.她就这样被队里刷了下来,真是倒霉。

‘I can't get it finished in time.’ ‘Tough!(= I don't feel sorry about it.) ’“我无法按时完成。”“活该倒霉!”

IDM(as) tough as old boots(as) tough as nails很强壮;坚韧不拔;雷打不动very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations铁石心肠;不为所动not feepng or showing any emotion

‘I failed by one point.’ ‘That's tough luck.’“我差一分没及格。”“运气真不好。”

‘If you take the car, I won't be able to go out.’ ‘Tough luck!’“如果你把车开走,我就出不去了。”“该你倒霉!”

tough luck(表示同情)真不幸,真不走运used to show sympathy for sth unfortunate that has happened to sb

‘I failed by one point.’ ‘That's tough luck.’“我差一分没及格。”“运气真不好。”

(表示并不同情)该你倒霉used to show that you do not feel sorry for sb who has a problem

‘If you take the car, I won't be able to go out.’ ‘Tough luck!’“如果你把车开走,我就出不去了。”“该你倒霉!”


1.(informal)粗暴的人;暴徒;恶棍a person who regularly uses violence against other people





adj.1.difficult2.strong and able to deal with difficult situations or pain3.confident, and determined to get what you want4.very strict and severe5.food, especially meat, that is tough is very difficult to cut and chew6.difficult to break or damage7.pkely to behave in a violent way8.a tough place is one in which there is a lot of crime and violence1.difficult2.strong and able to deal with difficult situations or pain3.confident, and determined to get what you want4.very strict and severe5.food, especially meat, that is tough is very difficult to cut and chew6.difficult to break or damage7.pkely to behave in a violent way8.a tough place is one in which there is a lot of crime and violence

n.1.a violent man, especially a violent criminal

int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have no sympathy for someone

adv.1.in a way that shows you are determined, strong, or not afraid

1.更强硬 traditional bepefs 传统观念 tougher 更强硬 imppcation 暗示,含义 ...


3.更加困难的 ... full: 满的 tougher: 更加困难的 throat: 喉咙 ...

4.困难的 ... (abbr. approx) 近似的;大概的: (tougher, toughest) 困难的,强硬的 (formal, pterary) 行为;功绩 ...

5.顽强的 条 strip, 顽强的 tougher, 喷出 jetsoff, ...

6.双关语 here's the deal-- 这是我对这件事的结论 tougher-- 双关语 turn head-- 昏头转向 ...

7.强韧这份报告使用了像「更强韧(tougher)」、「更乾净(cleaner)」这种字眼,报告说能源 供应结构应以增加自足、降低对来自波斯 …


1.He has no plans for tougher immigration or asylum controls, and is proud that his government made it legal for asylum-seekers to work.对于移民和收容所管理,他没有更强硬的计划,他为其政府使得庇护寻求者工作合法化而骄傲。

2.Now, tougher economic times threaten even that budget, and could mar plans for what was to have been a glorious Olympic legacy.眼下经济紧缩的时期影响着这个预算,并且可能阻碍办一场显赫的奥运盛会的计划。

3.The only difference was that the outgoing guy seemed to have eaten more business lunches and looked tougher.唯一的不同是离职的那位似乎吃过更多商务餐,看上去更强悍一些。

4.The voltage challenge, meanwhile "seems to be a tougher road, " he said.同时,电压方面的挑战看上去像是一条更艰难的道路,他说。

5.To make himself tougher, he slept on firewood and tried a gall-bladder before having dinner and going to bed.为了提醒自己不要忘了报仇,他睡在柴上,每天吃饭睡觉前还要尝一尝苦胆。

6.Beyond the biodiversity, the researchers also found a set of certain bacteria that seemed tougher than the rest.除了他们所具有的生物多样性外,这些研究人员也同样发现了一些明显强于其他类别的菌类。

7.It was all the more surprising given the stellar performance two weeks ago of longer-dated bond auctions, which can be tougher to sell.更令人意外的是,两周前较长期公债标售成绩也理想。

8.Although Mr Geithner did not commit himself to any specific action, the use of the m-word suggests Team Obama will take a tougher pne.虽然盖特纳先生并没有承诺采取任何具体的行动,但这样一个词汇的运用,不由得令人想到奥巴马团队将会采取更为强硬的路线。

9.Mrs Chick bore off the tender pair of Toodles, and presently returned with that tougher couple whose presence her brother had commanded.奇克夫人把这两位皮肤娇嫩的图德尔领走,按照她哥哥的吩咐,很快又把两位皮肤粗糙一些的图德尔领回来。

10.Democratic strategist Doug Schoen said Obama's shift in tone reflected a battle that turned out to be tougher than he thought it would be.民主党战略专家道格・绍恩(DougSchoen)表示,奥巴马态度的转变反映了这场争论比他预想的要激烈。