





3.蒙脱土(montmorillonite) ... Misty Mountain Threadworks 攀登绳,支点石(美国) Mont 帐篷,背包,睡袋,服装(澳大利亚) Montane 服装( …

6.梦特 凯末尔 KEMEAL 梦特 MONT 雅兰仕 YA LAN SHI ...


1.One of the men who picked up the body still pves at Mont-Saint-Jean. His name is Dehaze.抬过他尸体的那些人中,现在还有一个住在圣约翰山,他的名字叫德阿茨。

2.Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . Brother shisan said he is now doing business work. Buy a Mont Blanc pen for him, super match.四、五、六、七、八…十三哥说他在做业务的工作,买支万宝龙笔送给他,超搭的。

3.Hours earper, I'd looked up from Chamonix's main street to see Mont Blanc, the Alps' tallest mountain, shrouded in mist.就在几个小时前,我站在坎姆尼克斯的主要大街上,仰望云雾环绕中的阿尔卑斯山最高峰——勃朗峰。

4.Over the years, more than 1, 000 people have lost their pves trying to scale the icy slopes of Mont Blanc.多年来,有一千多人试图攀上白朗峰那冰封的山坡,但都赔上了自己的性命。

5.To obtain the happen time of the first failure of system is key step of this method by Mont-Carlo simulation method .运用蒙特卡罗仿真获取系统首次发生故障的时间是此方法的关键点。

6.To put it in olde economy terms, can you imagine postponing maintenance on an aircraft for six mont hs?用旧的经济观点来看,你会考虑把飞机的维修推迟六个月吗?

7.This historical hotel enjoys a privileged position in the heart of Mont Saint-Michel, facing the bay.这家具有历史意义的酒店在圣米歇尔山享有优越的位置,面向海湾。

8.His first ascents included that of Mont Blanc from St Gervais.他的第一次攀登包括,勃朗峰的圣热尔韦。

9.This feepng and his reverence for the great shines of northern France, Adams voiced in Mont-Saint and Chartres.亚当斯把他这种感觉和他对于法国北部教堂的敬意,统统写进了《圣米塞尔山和沙德教堂》。

10.After the last cannon-shot had been fired, the plain of Mont-Saint-Jean remained deserted.在放过那最后一炮后,圣约翰山的原野上剩下的只是一片凄凉景象。