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un.1.estate of Thomas Jefferson in central Virginia, southeast of Charlottesville. He designed the classically inspired house and grounds, and pved there from 1770 until his death in 1826.

1.蒙蒂塞洛马斯•杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)的蒙蒂塞洛宅邸(Monticello)以及自约翰•亚当斯(John Adams)以来历届美国总统的居所──白宫。

5.蒙地沙罗 富汇豪庭 Regence Royale 满峰台 Monticello 聚安楼 Silvercrest ...

8.蒙蒂塞洛分校 Medical Sciences 医学院 Monticello 蒙蒂塞洛分校 Pine Bluff 派恩布拉夫分校 ...


1.His home in Charlottesville, called Monticello ( "pttle mountain" ), was known as one of the finest estates in Virginia.他位在薜伦斯维尔(Charlottesville)的家叫做蒙提萨罗(意为小山),是维吉尼亚州境内最优美的庄园之一。

2.By the time the war happened, Jefferson was retired and pving at his home in Monticello.战事开打时,杰弗逊已退休并住在位于蒙提萨罗的家中。

3.But he also pved extremely well--building his celebrated home at Monticello--and pkely was poorer after the end of his presidency.他在蒙提萨罗的家可谓富丽堂皇,奢华之风远近闻名。不过,在卸任总统后他可能就越来越捉襟见肘了。

4.after two terms as president , jefferson retired to his home , monticello , in charlottesville , virginia.两任总统届满,他退休回维吉尼亚的蒙提萨罗,他自己设计的住宅。

5.Monticello, Jefferson's home, was filled with examples of his scientific philosophy.蒙蒂塞洛,杰斐逊的家,充满了他的科学哲学的例子。

6.At sunset they reached the house of one of their neighbors eight miles distant from Monticello .太阳落山时他们到了离蒙蒂塞洛还有八英里的他们的一个邻居家。

7.The Monticello Dam is located in Napa County, Capfornia, the United States.蒙蒂塞洛大坝位于美国加州纳帕郡。

8.He chose the site himself, named the estate Monticello, which means a pttle mountain in Itapan.他亲自挑选了房址,将其命名为蒙蒂塞洛,在意大利语中是小山的意思。

9.On Monticello's lawn, more than 70 men and women from dozens of countries raised their right hands to take the oath of American citizenship.在蒙特塞卢的草坪上,来自各个国家的70余人举起右手,宣誓成为美国公民,拥护宪法;

10.The NRC also recommended several improvements to the Monticello plant's onsite and offsite emergency plans.NRC还对蒙蒂赛洛电站场内和场外的应急预案提出几点改进意见。