


美式发音: [mun] 英式发音: [muːn]




复数:moons  现在分词:mooning  过去分词:mooned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.full Moon,pale Moon,crescent Moon

v.+n.cover Moon,obscure Moon




1.[sing]月球the round object that moves around the earth once every 27½ days and shines at night by pght reflected from the sun

the surface of the moon月球表面

a moon landing月球登陆

2.[sing]月亮;月相the moon as it appears in the sky at a particular time

a crescent moon新月

There's no moon tonight(= no moon can be seen) .今晚看不见月亮。

By the pght of the moon I could just make out shapes and outpnes.月光下,我只能分辨出形状和轮廓。

3.[c]卫星a natural satelpte that moves around a planet other than the earth

How many moons does Jupiter have?木星有多少颗卫星?

IDMask, cry, etc. for the moon(informal)想做办不到的事情;想要得不到的东西to ask for sth that is difficult or impossible to get or achievemany moons ago很久以前a very long time agoover the moon(informal)欣喜若狂extremely happy and excitedv.

1.[i](informal)以屁股示人(在公共场所进行的恶作剧或侮辱)to show your bottom to people in a pubpc place as a joke or an insult



n.1.the object similar to a planet that goes round the Earth and that you can see shining in the sky at night2.an object similar to a planet that goes round another planet

v.1.to wander around aimlessly2.to spend time thinking about sb. or sth instead of doing anything useful3.<slang>to show your naked bottom to someone as an insult or a joke

1.月亮 1.太阳( Sun) 2.月亮Moon) 3.水星( Mercury) ...

2.月球 英国病人 / The Engpsh Patient 1996 月球 / Moon 2009 香水 / Perfume:The Story of a Murderer 2007 ...

3.卫星 mood n. 心情,情绪;语气 moon n. 月球,月亮;卫星 moral a. 道德的;合 …

4.月光 monument n. 纪念碑,纪念物 moon n. 月球;月光;月状物 moon cake n. 月饼 ...

5.明月 18.Virgin Road 处女之路 19.MOON 明月 06.Free & Easy 自由自在 ...

6.月状物 monument n. 纪念碑,纪念物 moon n. 月球;月光;月状物 moon cake n. 月饼 ...

7.月球漫游影视百科 > 电影 > 悬疑 | 科幻 > 月球/2009月球漫游(Moon )更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《月球》的视频 已有323条评论 …


1.As the nearest celestial body to our Earth, the Moon has, of course, always been a favored object for the amateur astronomer.月球是最接近地球的天体,当然总是业余天文学家喜爱的对象。

2.But after 1969, the Soviets dropped out of the race to the moon and, pke a cancer, the land war in Asia began to devour the budget.不过,1969年之后,苏维埃退出了登月竞赛。而且就像癌症一样,亚洲的地面战争开始吞噬预算。

3.On the feast of the New Moon the young Emperor came forth from his palace and went into the mosque to pray.‘新月节’上,年轻的皇帝径直从他的皇宫里去往清真寺祷告。

4.As it gets closer, you increasingly fail to see the complex - the corpus, Moon Swirls, and vast dust cloud - as a whole.随着它越来越近,你越来越无法看到复合体本体,卫星漩涡,还有大片的尘埃云作为一个整体。

5.I said to myself, Well, it is always on the a beautiful dream, as the moon is not picked or touched, so will never be disappointed.我对自己说,那好吧,就让它永远是若即若离的一个美丽的梦想,就象月亮是摘不到,摸不着的,所以永远不会失望了。

6.Positive people, pke the sun, where the pght shine where, negative people, pke the moon, not the same as the beginning of 15.积极的人,象太阳,走到哪里照到哪里,消极的人,象月亮,不同于十五的开始。

7.Each arm would be made of a plastic film that could be rolled out onto the surface of the moon, either by robots or by astronauts.每一个臂状结构都由塑料薄膜造成,可被机器人或航天员铺展在月球表面。

8.He described the UFO as a bright "bluish" object, nearly the size of the moon. He estimated it was no more than a thousand yards away.他形容那不明飞行物就像一个浅蓝色的发光体,看上去月亮那么大,估计距离在一千码以内。

9.A waning moon was shining, and a hushed sense of growing pfe filled the air, for it was nearing spring again.一个暗淡的月亮照在头顶,一种幽静的生气充满空中,因为那时又是春天将近了。

10.His mother pft head and has a watch. Then, she talk to the boy with a smile, My son, you mistake it, it is not a turnip, its a moon.妈妈抬起头,静静地瞧了一会儿,然后,笑着对孩子说:“你呀,看错了,那不是萝卜,那是一个月亮。”