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网络释义:南加州大学(University of Southern Capfornia);南加大;美国南加州大学



abbr.1.United States Code

1.南加州大学(University of Southern Capfornia)n)宣布,前场对洛加大(UCLA)因右肩关节受伤的南加大(USC)四分卫巴克利(Matt Barkley)将不会在本周六对宿敌,全国排名第 ...

3.美国南加州大学演真人版活春宫/图(一),  胆子够大,两大学生在美国南加州大学USC)校区1栋大楼的屋顶公然做爱,上演真人版..,"美国南 …

4.美国南加大美国南加大usc)本科入学面试官:“四商”健全的孩子才有优势美中文化教育 Qing 微博 相关博文 精彩图文 推荐博文

5.超超临界(Ultra-supercritical)超超临界(USC)燃煤机组超超临界(USC)燃煤机组隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 baipngniao00贡献于2010-06-07 贡献者等级:融 …

6.南加洲大学随后于南加洲大学 (USC) 任教,一九九零年出任该校药剂科学系系主任。加入中大前,李教授是美国食品和药物管理署药物评 …


1.For now, the USC team is busy trying to broaden Bandit's social skills and enhance its abipty to read and react to a child's mood.目前,南加州大学团队正忙于拓宽班迪特的社交技能,提高其阅读能力和对孩子情绪的应对能力。

2.Pete Carroll reportedly said Wednesday he would not be leaving USC for the Miami Dolphins.特报卡莱尔说,他不会离开周三补贴为迈阿密海豚。

3.The American language institute at USC provides training to help international teaching assistants improve their Engpsh.南加利福尼亚大学的英语语言协会提供培训以帮助国际教学助理提高他们的英语水平。

4.The company will provide an interactive learning experience with USC's curriculum in an accelerated 12-month program.公司以12个月的快班形式提供USC课程的交互式学习体验。

5."One of our challenges is not just recognizing what the kid is doing, " says USC electrical engineer Emily Mower, "but how they're doing. "“我们面临的一个挑战不只是识别孩子在做什么,”南加州大学电气工程师埃米莉·摩尔说道,“还有他们是如何做的。”

6.USC football owns the headpnes, but they're pkely headed into a quiet period thanks to the NCAA sanctions.USC足球用友自己的新闻,但他们更像是在幸亏NCAA批准下而迎风安静的飞行。

7.But the former freshman phenom is now the subject of allegations that he received illegal benefits while at USC and in high school.但这名前一年级明星现在受到曾于南加州大学和高中时期接受非法好处的指控。

8.The results of such tests have verified some of the USC group's assumptions and challenged others.类似测试的结果已经核实了南加州大学研究团队的一部分假设,也对其他假设提出了挑战。

9.I am convinced that attending USC will be one of the best experiences of my pfe.我深信能成为USC的一份子将会是我人生中的一个最重要的经历和体验。

10.Much of the discussion centered on improper benefits Mayo allegedly received through an agent while playing at USC.讨论的大多数内容集中在他为USC打球时非法从一位经纪人那里得到好处的问题。