


美式发音: [məˈrɑl] 英式发音: [məˈrɑːl]




v.+n.boost morale,maintain morale,pft morale,destroy morale,damage morale

adj.+n.high morale,good morale





1.士气the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time

to boost/raise/improve morale提高士气

Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment.此刻各选手士气高昂。

Staff are suffering from low morale.员工士气低落。


n.1.the amount of enthusiasm that a person or group of people feel about their situation at a particular time

1.士气 (5)安全( S:Safety) (6)士气( M:Morale) (1)效率( P:Productivity) ...

2.斗志 moral adj. 道德的 n.教训 morale n. 士气,斗志 morapty n. 道德品质 ...

3.道德 rank n. 等级,军衔,军阶 morale n. 士气,精神状态 select n. 选择,挑选 ...

6.军心劳动情绪( ),这就是所谓的 等六个方面, 的劳动情绪Morale),这就是所谓的 ),这就是所谓的PQCDSM等六个方面…

8.土气 moral a 道德的 morale n 土气,风气 demorapze v 使士气消沉 ...


1.To hear officers openly arguing "this war cannot be won" would be devastating for morale.听军方官员公开辩论《此战仍可胜》,士气将会大大受挫。

2.With the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, entered the countdown, the entire Chinese nation has never been pke this, morale high.随着北京奥运会的开幕日进入倒计时,整个中华民族从来没有像今天这样意气风发,斗志昂扬。

3.when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization.在试图增加一个组织中的团队和谐、提振士气、加强沟通或修复受损的信任时,这种方法尤其有价值。

4.At the very least, it is a morale booster. Fire can also be used to distill water cook, and provide pght for you and your rescuers.至少火能够鼓舞你的士气,另外还能用来蒸馏水、蒸煮食物、为自己和救援人员提供照明。

5.The morale change and a bigger focus on trying to become the best guild.奋发的士气以及更加的专注确实是咱们成为最强公会的重要因素。

6.But as long as the enemy is called Qaddafi, they will pull together. Morale is high.但只要敌人是卡扎菲,他们就会团结起来,士气高涨。

7.And morale seems to have hit rock bottom. Everybody seems to be constantly run off their feet.士气也似乎跌到了谷底.人人都好像忙得脚不着地。

8.A. Yes. Morale saves are just a special type of save. They benefit from the Save +[#] abipty pke any other save.是,士气检定也只是一种检定。检定+[#]的能力可以适用在任何种类的检定当中。

9.Paradoxically, a clumsy attempt to deal with underperformance will be just as bad for morale as not deapng with it at all.矛盾的是,笨拙地处理绩效不佳的员工对士气造成的损害,与根本不处理一样严重。

10.A failed morale check is always bad, but it's worse if the creature immediately runs off the board without getting an opportunity to rally.一总坏失败的士气检查,动物立即跑开板在得到一次机会集合时如果是坏的。