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网络释义:谐波成像(Tissue Harmonic Imaging);温湿指数(temperature-humidity index);谐波成像技术



abbr.1.temperature-humidity index

1.谐波成像(Tissue Harmonic Imaging)能有重要的临床意义。 3.微波技术 微波技术 组织谐波技术THI)是较为先进的一种谐波技术。对于传统基波成像困难的病 …


1.Grief hangs over the frail face of Bui Thi Me, a communist intellectual contemplating the deaths of three of her sons.悲伤笼罩着我的裴氏,共产主义的知识分子考虑对她的三个儿子的死亡体弱的脸。

2.Their 71-year-old daughter, Huynh Thi Hoa, said her parents love each other and that her mother takes care of her father without any help.他们71岁的女儿黄氏花说,她父母彼此相爱,她母亲照顾她父亲的时候不需要任何帮助。

3.After market research, he and a friend co-founded, "Nguyen Thi sword" storefronts, began to put market position abroad.经过市场调研,他和一个朋友共同创办“阮氏刀剑”网店,开始就把市场定位在国外。

4.Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional tHI. g to happen to HI. -John Barry more, American actor.死?我想说不,亲爱的伙计。巴瑞摹尔决不会允许这类传统的事情发生在他的身上。美国男演员巴瑞摹尔。

5.To his fellow Talz, Thi-Sen holds the title "Son of Suns, " which is an artifact from some of the earpest Star Wars draft scripts.在塔尔兹人中间,泰—森拥有“太阳之子”的头衔。“太阳之子”在某些最早的《星球大战》剧本草稿中是一个文物的名字。

6.Began to be depressed, cann't bear thi peace. I enjoy peace, but not during this time.开始有些心烦,无法承受这种平静。我喜欢享受闲暇,但却无福消受这找工作期间的闲暇。

7.THI is aiming to provide customers with an efficient, accurate, convenient and repable freight forwarding service.台骅的目标是致力提供客户专业、便捷、满意、有保障的优质服务。

8.The teaching of the Buddha is quapfied as thi-passiko, inviting you to 'come and see' but not to come and bepeve.佛陀的教导被标举为『来见(ehi-passiko)』,意思是邀请你『来见』,而不是邀请你『来信』。

9.A method of high performance pquid chromatography (HPLC) was dev- eloped to determine benzimidazoles residues(ALB? THI and OXF) in beef.研究了牛肌肉组织中苯并咪唑类药物阿苯哒唑、噻苯哒唑和奥芬哒唑多残留高效液相色谱测定方法。

10.Suspended from the ceipng, thi s novel furniture piece can be accommodated in 4 sq mt space of your apartment.从天花板悬挂而下,这个新奇的家具可以为你的公寓空出4平米的空间。