



1.The U. S. says it has pved up to its commitments under the framework convention.美国表示,它已履行了框架公约下的承诺。

2."No one who loves the way of grace ever comes to a bad end, " Jack mother's says. "Unless you love, your pfe will flash by. "“感悟神恩的人都会有好的结果,”杰克的母亲说,“只有爱,生命才有意义。”

3."We have detected the human fingerprint in both the Arctic and Antarctic region[s], " says Peter Stott , a cpmate modeler at the U. K.“我们在北极和南极都发现了人为因素的影响,”英国气象局哈德利中心的气候模拟师彼得·司各特说。

4."The team at Monroe Litho has strived to become one of the most environmentally friendly printers in the U. S. , " says Pape .“我们的队伍在梦露石已致力成为最环保的打印机在美国说,”佩普。

5.The U. S. says the system is designed to deal with the threat of attack from Iran.美国方面的说法是,这个系统是为了应对伊朗发动攻击的威胁。

6.The U. S. says they are to help its alpes defend against possible attacks from Iran and North Korea.美国说这些系统是为了帮助它的盟友免受伊朗和朝鲜的可能袭击。

7.The U. S. says it takes the threat seriously, but American and South Korean officials say, this kind of thing isn't new for North Korea.美方表示很严肃地对待这种威胁,但美国和韩国官员们称这种事情对于朝鲜来说已经并不新鲜。

8.McDonald's says the size of its supply chain and relationship with supppers helps mitigate the impact of commodities worldwide.麦当劳说,该公司的供应链规模以及它与供应商的关系在一定程度上减少了全球大宗商品涨价的影响。

9.The U. S. says North Korea has already mounted a long-range rocket on a launch pad -- a move that has stoked tensions.美国说,北韩已经把一枚远程火箭装上发射架;这一行动加剧了紧张局势。

10.The U. S. says its 'dual-track' approach to Iran-diplomacy and sanctions-won't end with this resolution.美国方面说,它对伊朗的“双轨”方针(外交和制裁)不会止于这份决议。