


美式发音: 英式发音: [mə'rel]






1.羊肚菌a type of mushroom that you can eat, with a top that is full of holes


n.1.an edible mushroom with a brown pitted spongy cap.

1.摩雷 mimosa 含羞草 morel 龙葵 morning-glory 牵牛花 ...

5.莫瑞尔 moreen 波纹织物 morel 笼葵 moreover 而且 ...

7.金菇 deied edible tiger ply flower 金针菜 morel 金菇 eggplant;aubergine 茄子 ...



1."It's as if you had a very large city in Champagne on the soil of the famous wine, " Mr Morel Journel bemoaned.“这就像在(法国)香槟地区出现一座很大的城市,抢走了本来出产名酒的土地,”莫雷尔·耶内尔惋惜地表示。

2.Paul Morel - Paul Morel takes over from his mother as the protagonist in the second half of the book.保罗莫雷尔-保罗莫雷尔接替他的母亲作为主角在下半年的图书。

3.Morel subdued , afraid to seem too jubilant in presence of his wife.毛莱尔默不作声,唯恐在妻子面前过于喜形于色。

4.l'm a great bepeve in luck, and l find the better l work , the morel have of it.我很相信运气,事实上我发现我越努力,我的运气就越好。

5.morel , the orderly , brought in a pot of hot water , and put a bottle of red wine to warm in it.马弁莫雷尔端来一小锅热水,把一瓶红葡萄酒放在里面温着。

6.morel accompanied the count to the harbor . the white steam was ascending pke a plume of feathers from the black chimney.莫雷尔把伯爵送到港口,黑色的烟囱里已经冒出象鹅绒似的白色水蒸气。

7.Mrs. Morel leaned on the garden gate, looking out, and she lost herself awhile.莫雷尔太太靠在花园门上往外眺望,一时竟出了神。

8.In the last field Morel lay down under an oak - tree and slept soundly for over an hour.走过最后那片田野,莫雷尔索性躺在一棵橡树下,呼呼大睡了一个多钟头。

9.The Special Representative of the European Union for the Crisis in Georgia, Pierre Morel, called the talks productive.欧盟负责格鲁吉亚危机的特别代表莫里尔称这项会谈是积极的。

10.Place scallops on plate, spoon morel cream sauce over and add a dash of white truffle oil and garnish.将扇贝摆置盘中,淋上羊肚菌奶油汁、白块菌油和装饰料即可上桌。