




1.两美元 ... (One dollar, 一美元)、“吐多拉” (two dollar两美元)、“奇普” ...


1.He pulled out some paper that had adhered to the roof of his mouth. It was a two-dollar bill.他从嘴里拽出来一些粘在上牙床上的纸。居然是一个两美元的纸币。

2.Once while trying to reach his car key, Li Jiacheng dropped a two-dollar coin, which rolled under the car.一次在取汽车钥匙时李嘉诚不慎丢落一枚两元硬币,硬币随后滚到车底。

3.These are the values of the paper money now in use, except the U. S. Government no longer makes two-dollar bills.这些就是现在使用的纸币的全部面额,只是美国政府不再印制2美元的钞票了。

4.A woman will pay one dollar for a two-dollar item she doesn't want.女人会花一块钱去买价值两块钱的东西,即使她用不着。是谁更勤俭持家呢?

5."We would meet at a restaurant across from the Celebrity Centre called Two Dollar Bill's, " Press recalls.“我们在名流中心对面叫做两美元的地方聚会,”Press回忆。

6.Relate to, absorb its pit inside the reasonable, build up two dollar system that rises the virtuous method and cures.关系,吸收其合理内核,建立起德法并治的二元体制。

7.Today's promotion is "Two Dollar Tuesday, " a deeply discounted entry price, with $2 admission tickets sold at Albertsons stores.今天的主题是“两美元-星期二”,两美元的入场券在阿尔伯森商店销售,这是非常大的折扣。

8.There is a two-dollar charge for that.这要收取两美元的服务费。

9.You've got a coupon for two dollar off.你有优惠券能减两块钱

10.I got a hot rod Ford and a two dollar bill我有个漂亮的Ford鱼杆和一章两元钞票