


美式发音: [ˈmɔrnɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmɔː(r)nɪŋ]




复数:mornings  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.early morning,good morning,cold morning,sunny morning,late morning

v.+n.do morning,work morning,come morning,meet morning,say morning


n.dawn,daybreak,sunrise,break of day,cockcrow




1.早晨;上午the early part of the day from the time when people wake up until midday or before lunch

They left for Spain early this morning.他们今天一早就出发去西班牙了。

See you tomorrow morning .明天上午见。

I prefer coffee in the morning .我早晨喜欢喝咖啡。

She woke every morning at the same time.她每天早上都在同一时间醒来。

Our group meets on Friday mornings.我们组每周五上午碰面。

I walk to work most mornings.我大多数早晨步行去上班。

We got the news on the morning of the wedding.我们在举行婚礼的那天上午得到这个消息。

He's been in a meeting all morning.他一上午都在开会。

the morning papers晨报

2.午夜至正午的时间the part of the day from midnight to midday

I didn't get home until two in the morning!我凌晨两点才到家!

He died in the early hours of Sunday morning.他于星期天凌晨去世。


1.在上午;在早晨;每天上午in the morning of each day

I only work mornings.我只在上午工作。

n.1.早晨2.上午;(上层社会晚餐前的)白天〔例:morning performance 〔英国〕(午后开演的日戏)〕3.〈诗〉黎明;黎明的女神4.初期,早期1.早晨2.上午;(上层社会晚餐前的)白天〔例:morning performance 〔英国〕(午后开演的日戏)〕3.〈诗〉黎明;黎明的女神4.初期,早期

n.1.the part of the day from when the sun rises until noon; between midnight and noon

int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying hello to someone in the morning

1.早晨 home adv. 家 morning n. 早晨;上午 go to bed 上床睡觉 ...

2.上午 home adv. 家 morning n. 早晨;上午 go to bed 上床睡觉 ...

3.早上 moon 月亮 morning 早上 mother 妈妈 ...

4.清晨 同本义。今专指天刚亮〖 dawn;daybreak〗 清晨morning〗 明白,了解〖 know;understand〗 ...

5.初期 shop assistant 店员;售货员 morning 早晨, 早上, 初期, 上午 help 帮助 ...

6.朝 掌握 to grasp morning 招待 to receive ...


1.I cannot blame you for helping your wife. Go to bed, and we'll talk about this in the morning. '你帮你太太的忙,我不能为此怪你。去上床睡觉吧,我们明早再谈这件事。

2.One morning, the pttle girl walked in on them and found a strange woman beside her father in bed while Jane was in the bathroom.一天早晨,小女孩走进他们的卧室,发现一位陌生女人躺在她父亲身旁,而简正在卫生间中。

3.I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomppsh.早晨走进办公室时,我隐约地知道自己想要做成什么事。

4.If you're gaining weight and discovering a mess in the kitchen every morning, talk to your doctor about whether or not you might have SRED.如果你的体重在增加,而且每天早上都发现厨房一片狼藉,就去和医生谈谈,看你是否得了与睡眠相关的饮食失调症。

5.The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。

6.Life has never been impressed by the difficulties, it is always vibrant bright morning sun as if to illuminate the whole earth.生命从不被困难所折服,它总是生机勃勃犹如明媚的朝阳照亮整个大地。

7.and then you have Rambo, who wakes up in the morning and just. . . you know, gargles with quicksand.然后你有了蓝博,而他在早晨醒来只是…你知道,用流沙漱口。

8.It was a fine, clear, autumn morning, when they came upon the scene of his promotion, and stopped to contemplate its beauties.在一个晴朗的秋天早晨,他们到达了他这个新任所的界内,停在那里默想着那地方的幽美。

9.I wake up in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock, and as I reach over to turn it off, I essentially press play to start my day.清晨被闹钟声吵醒,我伸出手去把它关掉,也就是按下了今天的“播放”键。

10.Still it makes for a bit of hilarity in the tent every morning.不过,每天早晨穿衣服还是制造了一点小小的欢娱。